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What Does The Bible Say About ABORTION?

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Jer 1:5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

Exo 21:22 “Now suppose two men are fighting, and in the process they accidentally strike a pregnant woman so she gives birth prematurely. If no further injury results, the man who struck the woman must pay the amount of compensation the woman’s husband demands and the judges approve.
Exo 21:23 But if there is further injury, the punishment must match the injury: a life for a life,
Half, if not more of the people around us did not come from a holy, Godfearing couple who decided to make a child.

Most people use the argument of 'rape' to ratify abortion law. But if you are raped, you 'know' you have been raped and can take a pill the same day. It is common practice in my country (rape capital of the world) to give woman 'morning after' pills the same day.

Any woman that is not raped and then finds she is pregnant from unprotected sex, needs to be held 100% responsible for her actions.

Abortion is 100% murder. A baby is a literal miracle of life. I don't see judgement day going well for abortionists.

Can you (reader) truly call yourself a "Christian" if you're pro-choice?
God says, "No."
Exo 21:22-23 ..if .men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow; he shall be surely fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23. But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

This text indicates that according to the Bible, taking the life of an unborn "child" incurs the same punishment as to one that is born.
Exo 21:22-23 ..if .men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow; he shall be surely fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23. But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

This text indicates that according to the Bible, taking the life of an unborn "child" incurs the same punishment as to one that is born.
It is talking about harm to the woman, though, as the child has departed (died).

(And yes, it is not an "on purpose" event like abortion.)
But you're still killing a baby....

I don't agree. But I am not going to have this discussion with you, it will end with us talking about flying elephants. If anyone else asks, I will explain.
He is not one to use as an argument.
He says a lot of things that mock God and Christians and he does it b/c he knows he'll get paid for it.
@MedicBravo @Dave M @Rhema

But you're still killing a baby....

That is a serious accusation that you are making with Bill as your support. Prove to me that I am a murderer. Don't just say it. Imagine that.

Am I to assume that the clip from Bill is your A-Z argument? Bill makes a good point. But if you are using his point as the basis of your argument, it shows me you are new to this discussion and completely clueless.

I propose you go and do some research on the 'germinal stage' of pregnancy.
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He is not one to use as an argument.
He says a lot of things that mock God and Christians and he does it b/c he knows he'll get paid for it.
That's a fallacy, ... that someone cannot have an insightful view in one topic because of his or her other views on other topics.
And I posted the Bill Burr clip because I think he nails the debate on the head.

The accepted view of the Evangelical community in the USA is that life begins at conception.

Sounds like the Holy Ghost already told you.
So... go repent.

Just more much ado about nothing insulting replies. You are not making an argument for your accusation. I am glad you are not a judge.

I said I disagree with abortion. Its murder. I said in my country we give rape victims a morning after pill. In this instance I do not believe it is murder.

Now to make your case you need to explain to me how and why a rape victim who does this is guilty of first-degree murder and deserves the death penalty or life imprisonment for it.

I asked you to research the germinal stage of pregnancy and come back to me.

If you think that Bill Burr offers the A-Z of support for a murder death penalty, I can think of many instances where many Christians deserve the death penalty. Stopping what God has put in motion. Where do you draw the line with that?

To be accused of murder, you need to consider many factors.

I do agree with the Judaic law Curtis posted in post # 2. If you go and beat up a pregnant lady and she loses her baby, that is a serious offence. Would not be unthinkable to give someone a murder sentence for that.

But in the case of abortion during the germinal stage. When the body itself is still making the decision to accept or reject the consummation / only an embryo after 8-9 days. I don't believe it is a murder charge. No.

I do agree it is not right to abort in the germinal stage, but it is not murder and if someone is raped, it is fine.

That is my judgement. Now I hope you can make a case for your charge of ''murder''.
@MedicBravo @Dave M @Rhema

That is a serious accusation that you are making with Bill as your support. Prove to me that I am a murderer. Don't just say it. Imagine that.

Am I to assume that the clip from Bill is your A-Z argument? Bill makes a good point. But if you are using his point as the basis of your argument, it shows me you are new to this discussion and completely clueless.

I propose you go and do some research on the 'germinal stage' of pregnancy.
You and I seldom disagree but the truth is a dead sp erm and/or an improperly constructed egg will not produce a human made in the image of God. Couple a healthy egg with a healthy sper m, allow that to go to termination and it produces as Yehovah intended, image copies of Himself.

Murder at any point from conception through natural death strikes Yehovah in the face with a fist.
You are not making an argument for your accusation.
Because I haven't accused you of anything. Please re-read the thread. My statement here can hardly be considered a personal accusation:
But you're still killing a baby....
In the above statement, I used the colloquial "you," instead of the basically obsolete formal "one." One is still killing a baby. I express surprise that you took this as a personal accusation. So allow me to elaborate.

Within the abortion debate in North East America, if not the entire United States itself, those who support Pro-life hold that the life of a child starts at conception. The "day after" pill, then, still kills a baby if conception had occurred. The claim, "Well I can't be killing a baby since I don't know if I was pregnant or not," is a bit like saying "I didn't commit murder when I blew up that house since I didn't know if anyone was in the building or not." Perhaps this explains my comment, "But you're (one is) still killing a baby."

I had then asked this question:
So when does it become a baby?
Instead of answering, you ... "flipped out" and then hid behind some obscure demand that I go study
the 'germinal stage' of pregnancy
That's not an answer. In the US, that would be called a "Dodge."

I said I disagree with abortion. Its murder. I said in my country we give rape victims a morning after pill. In this instance I do not believe it is murder.
Yes, I'm sure you have convinced yourself that it isn't murder, and have all sorts of fabricated reasons to support your belief. That said, one is still killing a baby. The Only Reason to take a "morning after pill" IS to kill the baby if conception has occurred. But if life doesn't begin at conception, then when? When is it a "birthday cake"? Mixing the batter? Pouring it in the pan? placing it in the oven? Turning the oven on?

If life is truly sacred, then that should include any life that is the result of a rape. If not, then one has created a category of human life (a baby) that can then be declared "evil" because of rape, and be discarded in the trash bin (murdered).

Other options should be provided by those who follow the teachings of Christ. An outpouring of love would provide financial assistance, medical care, and an arrangement for an adoption if necessary.

Two sins don't cancel each other out. One can hardly say, "Okay, murder is justified in case of Rape." Two wrongs don't make a right.

And yes, it IS that simple.

I don't care if you push the cake pan off the counter, or pour the cake batter out into the garbage, those actions are done on purpose. If you left things alone, you would have a birthday cake.

Stopping what God has put in motion. Where do you draw the line with that?
God didn't put Rape in motion. Nor did God make anyone have sex. So there's no line to draw. You don't take the pan out of the oven and throw it across the room, unless you want to be a birthday cake murderer.:no_mouth:

Now to make your case you need to explain to me how and why a rape victim who does this is guilty of first-degree murder and deserves the death penalty or life imprisonment for it.
If you don't understand how you put words in my mouth (and then also think that that's okay) it's worthless to continue. YOU KNOW I never said "first-degree murder" or "deserves the death penalty." so... Straw Man.

But you're still killing a baby.


I can think of many instances where many Christians deserve the death penalty.
Everybody born deserves the death penalty. That's why we rely upon the grace and mercy of God, who at least delays death for maybe, what, a hundred years or so?

I do agree with the Judaic law Curtis posted in post # 2. If you go and beat up a pregnant lady and she loses her baby, that is a serious offence. Would not be unthinkable to give someone a murder sentence for that.
And yet... that's NOT what the text says. It mentions nothing about beating up a pregnant lady. It specifically speaks about two men fighting each other.
Exo 21:22 “Now suppose two men are fighting, and in the process they accidentally strike a pregnant woman so she gives birth prematurely. If no further injury results, the man who struck the woman must pay the amount of compensation the woman’s husband demands and the judges approve.
C'mon, KJ, you rather need to start reading what is actually written.
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