I,m glad - i would hate to cause someone to stumble and lose their faith. However regurgitating the same old is also not good for one either. Reality, facts, figures, reason and logic are not reasons why people believe. It goes much deeper than that. When one feels that they have touched God and that He has become a personal friend, who can reason them out of their experience, especially if they have become a better person and their life has changed for the good. That is why we get theistic evolutionists. Christians that incorporate scientific discoveries into their faith. I know most on this site don,t consider them to be Christians but they would argue that they are. They have also touched and talked and walked with God according to their teachings, revelation and insight.
People can become a Christian but are not
made disciples, having family/church situations that let each other
become disciples however they can. Unprepared pastors often can't feed different levels of maturity in a congregation, perhaps favoring the 'mature' members, but not able to take 'babes' and 'teens' to heart.
Coming to this chat group is like one of those neglected "teen" disciples going off to college, there confronted by a powerful professor able to use logic, reason, threats to tear down any growth an immature Christian might have accumulated, resulting in confusion and fear. One must grow up strong in the Lord to resist that. It might begin with learning you won't earn a "A" grade unless essentially denying Jesus. The objective of being in the college is to gain knowledge and certification towards a career. So the students must choose whether to risk undeserved failure and speak up, or give in until receiving the degree. Yielding when unprepared to speak up with confidence takes a terrible toll on students who often return home as unbelievers, with none able to bring them back spiritually. Any who take the label "conservative" are likely to be persecuted too. Red hats are a sure cause of physical abuse. One professor might demand his class to march for abortion, or against guns, or capital punishment, or even against Christianity and in favor of Islam. It's bondage.
In fact, good preaching doesn't amount to only quoting scriptures. The very thought patterns you say are not why people believe in Jesus are in fact valid tools for anyone to be put in a state of clear thinking to be able to hear the small still voice of God. "Reality" is often personal testimony that rings an inner bell to listen to someone who has been through something you are experiencing. "God did it for me and can do it for you too." Billy Graham used all those skills to great success.. Logic is what Paul used at Mars Hill, which caused heathens to listen to his gospel and follow him for more. All those skills are continually in use here at TJ, some to the glory of God, some for glory of man, and some wittingly or not for the glory of Satan, even through science discussions anchored in sources from satanists, anti-Christ religions, atheists, agnostics and the simply deceived who are using science to destroy the Church if possible. The science angle is powerful due to a general ignorance of science, most having attained to a basic high school level using outdated textbooks, including specialized scientists and physicians who can't keep up with all fields.
At the same time some members enter in using those skills to damage believers who are less adapted to deal with powerful uses of those skills. Whether intended or not, I have witnessed many immature Christians give up believing online upon persistence of Muslims or other persuasions. I owned a chat group a decade past where at least 20 Hebrew Roots members took shifts constantly persuading, making it impossible to compete with them 24 hours a day. Then Muslims entered in doubling the damage, resulting in moderators quitting, worn out. Removing them did no good since they would come back under different identities. I didn't have a feature allowing me to sift IPs, so had to close it down after someone broke in doing great damage.
The Bible makes it clear repeating elements of the gospel is vital. Any growing church must have disciples at every level of growth, requiring the "regurgitation" of the old. Meat is introduced to babies slowly, methodically. It wouldn't be good to put a T-bone steak in front of a 4 month old.
Here's what I believe the Lord has to say about this today;
Acts 20:28-30 (KJV)
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
There are some of us here prepared to deal with wolves. In the range these days keepers of sheep use rifles with night vision to remove threatening coyotes. They use traps. They use electronic sound machines tuned to coyote ears, causing them pain, chasing them away. They take whatever measures to protect the flock or herd. Anything or anyone causing division requires marking, then removal if they persist. That's all in the natural, but certainly applicable to a Christian community.
There are two types of 'marking' for the Church to be mindful of doing as appropriate.
Romans 16:17 (KJV)
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
Philippians 3:17 (KJV)
17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
I suppose this might ought to have made a new thread. It is said, though, specifically to deal with post 325141, from a mere member among ten thousand of TJ.
God bless our leadership here and those contributing posts to the glory of God.
-- Be fishers of men