Interesting, because when man was created, there was no body. Jesus didn't become flesh until several thousand years later. It would seem obvious then that being made in the image of God doesn't mean, spirit, body, and soul.
The Bible tells us very clearly what man is in
Genesis 2:7. The body, animated by God's spirit, became a living soul. Two things came together to form a third. Take water. Oxygen and hydrogen come together to form water. Water is made of Oxygen and hydrogen. It's not made of Oxygen, hydrogen, and water. Likewise, the Bible tells us that man, or the soul, is made of body and spirit which is the breath of God. Man is not a spirit. The Bible states plainly that man is flesh and it comes straight from God Himself.
And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always
strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
The Holy Bible: King James Version.
Notice what God said, man is flesh. He didn't say man is a spirit being living in a flesh body. He said man is flesh. This is why Platonic Dualism doesn't align with Scripture. It's Platonic Dualism that supposes man is a spirit being living in a flesh body, not Scripture.
The Spirit is eternal, yes. However, the spirit is God, not man. Man is flesh and finite.
Why do you guys keep ignoring the questions I present?
If man is eternal then why did God promise eternal life to the believer?
There's no point in promising eternal life to some who already has ernal life, is there?
What do we find in what is arguably the most quoted passage of Scriputre?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Holy Bible: King James Version.
Did John say whosoever believes in Him should not suffer eterbal conscious torment? Or did he says whosoever believes I'm Him should not "perish"?
Did John not know what he was talking about? Did he not have as good a grasp on Kione Greek as our modern translators and commentators?
Or, is it more likely that John knew exactly what he was saying and our modern translators have missed the boat. My money is on John.