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Rather, you and I are the "church" - it's called the ekklesia - literally, "the called out ones," the assembly of believers. We have been CALLED OUT from the unclean thing. THIS is the "church" as we speak - where two or more are gathered together in his name.Can you tell me what church I should go to?
Mainstream evangelical Christianity is in freefall. Instead of helping the afflicted, teaching each other how to cast out demons, they "cast out" the person from the church! This is abominable before the Lord.
The church is in denial and has stood down. They have not a clue about how to wage successful spiritual warfare. They have blood on their hands. Do not look there.Can you tell the people at that church to treat me as a family treats the child.
You are dealing not only with demons, but also with curses - some or all of which are not of your own doing (i.e. generational). You can crucify your flesh all day long, but you cannot crucify a demon! Nor can you cast out your flesh! So the order of events is this: First, you crucify your flesh, THEN you cast out the demon(s) (and their curses with them).Can you also tell me what do I do about the voices I hear all day they don't want to go away even though I said to leave me alone in Jesus's name...What do I do brother?
It's time to get set free. Are you motivated? Do you truly want to be set free? The question is not rhetorical. Recall the lame man at the pools of Bethesda (read John chap 5), who had his friends carry him to the pools annually, in hopes of being the first into the water after an angel had stirred it up. The first in, was the first to be healed. But he could never be the first one in, because others more healthy would always beat him to it. When Jesus saw him, the first thing Jesus said to him was "Do you want to be healed?" To us, it seems like an obvious thing, but IT IS VITAL that you WANT to be healed. Imagine the annual ritual, probably a great deal of partying and revelry, to make that trip with his friends to the pools every year. He had been infirmed for 38 YEARS. IOW, he had become "comfortable" with the trek; he had become habitualized to it all; maybe he didn't want to give it up...
This is not a game, this is spiritual warfare.
I prefer that deliverance take place among other true believers, because I want to be held accountable and I covet their support. But self-deliverance is also a possibility.
Short version:
Your words are the vehicle by which you can effect change in the spiritual realm; we live and die by them. So SPEAK THIS OUT LOUD, so there be no doubt, in a place of no distraction, in your prayer closet.
1- humility
God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. So when you come to him, you must come with an attitude of complete humility. Ask the Holy Spirit to be present with you and to bring to your remembrance all that is necessary for deliverance.
2- confess
God already knows your entire story, but he requires that you bring it into the light. Confess all your sins, known and unknown, to the Lord. Call a spade, a spade - not an agricultural implement. IOW, keep it direct, simple and honest. Don't worry about your dignity; it will return later.
Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech...Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor. 3:12, 17)
I keep what I call my "Laundry List" - a listing of my sins, everything I can remember, presently about 30 items/sins going all the way back. It's on my thumb drive. I call it a laundry list because laundry will eventually get washed clean! I pray over EVERY item.
3- repent
You must detest your sin. Tell the Lord you hate it. Turn completely away from it.
For most, this is the hardest part because some have been horribly harmed (e.g. rape, incest, etc.). But, if you do not forgive ALL OTHERS, God will not forgive you. Remember that this is NOT an emotion, it is a CHOICE. Yes, you may be holding a lawful I.O.U., but now you are CHOOSING to tear up that I.O.U.!!! Also remember to forgive your forefathers, your ancestors, your rellies, back to the third and fourth generations. Why? Because the sins of the forefathers i.e. those in authority over you, are visited down to the third and fourth generation i.e. to YOU. For example, do you know with certainty that there are no spirits of drunkenness or murder or adultery or witchcraft in your family line? No, you do not, so you must stand in the gap and FORGIVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY nonetheless. Doing so closes the door to those generational demons. Don't forget to specifically address your father and his Freemason history (that is the sin of witchcraft). YOU ARE REMOVING THEIR LEGAL RIGHT TO TORMENT YOU AND YOUR OFFSPRING when you forgive your rellies. The first to forgive is the first to get set free.
Remember that God sees and records all. ALL will be held accountable for their own sins,
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. (Rom. 12:19)
5-claim and appropriate his authority, and EXPEL
Claim Jesus Christ as your Saviour AND Lord. Be absolutely certain that you are his.
There is only one thing more powerful that satan and/or his demons, and that is Jesus Christ. When we come into OBEDIENCE thru REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS, then we can effectively appropriate Christ's authority and deal victoriously with the enemy.
Now that you have proclaimed your Authority, you may call out i.e. EXPEL the unclean spirit. You do not need to know its name, but only what it does. Example: In Jesus Christ's name, demon of lust, GET OUT. ("Get out" is precisely the words that Jesus Christ said - simple and to the point.)
Demon of rejection, in Jesus' name, GET OUT; demon of pride, GET OUT; demon of pharmakeia/drug use, suicide, sexual impurity; witchcraft; occult; vulgar language; envy; jealousy; fear; etc. etc.
After expelling, give the demon time to come out by not saying anything more, IOW, give it time to come out without blocking it. You can have BELIEVER friends there praying for you, quoting the word of God aloud. If you have friends with you, be sure they are of one accord, i.e. they must be in complete agreement, lest the enemy will take advantage of their lack of unity and perhaps stop the deliverance.
When a demon comes out, you might cough and/or bring up sputum, or yawn widely, or feel a great weight removed, or a brightness experienced, or perhaps nothing noticeable at all. Listen for the Holy Spirit, follow his guidance. Others may get a word of knowledge about the situation from the Lord.
They also open doors to the enemy, as intended. This is a spiritual battle; your weapons are not physical, but THE BATTLE IS AS REAL AS IT CAN GET.I don't like drugs they hurt.
When you get clean (as per above), and appropriate the King's authority, even the demons must obey!I have been wronged at every job it seems... Please pray in Jesus name that all forces of evil will cease and will be unable to harm me and that they will fear the name of Jesus when I say it.
Yes, HE WILL REPAY. Come fully onboard with him and let him do the work for you. The victory is yours, so please come onboard.I love the Lord and I've noticed in Matthew chapter 7 when Jesus said to those who did miracles and all that it says in his name he will reply
I love Jesus Christ; he is my Saviour and my Lord. And I believe you are likewise. So WE are the true church - RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.What do you believe the true church to attend is?
I was wondering because today I felt a little upset after I attended one local church I don't know what to do or where to go..
AMEN !!! There is no other way!Al I know is JESUS is the answer.
You take your sin before the King!!! No "man in a box" to confess to; we have but one Confessor - Jesus Christ!!Part of me thinks I need a church that accepts anybody but I am thinking conservative when it comes to how people act regarding personal decisions.
Because if someone knows they are committing a sin and wants to take their sin to the church that to me is something I would not want to do it seems immorally and wrong.
Please, follow the steps above and let us know your progress.But I do need help with my schizophrenia.. It sucks and i don't know how long it will last its been a problem for a long time!
Please pray that the Lord will help me overcome it in Jesus name!
whoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered (Joel 2:32)
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