I am sorry but, instead of making a defense of your position you have continued to rip verses out of context and presenting them as theology. Theology is built on the whole word of Yahova and is falsified by partitioning the truth into segmented parts. The truth is that we love the LORD if we seek to glorify His name by seeking to live for and like Him. Other people I know not the truth of, I am not the judge.
Thank you, it is people like you that let me know I'm walking on the straight and narrow. Praise God for you.
If you are not for me, you are against me.
I know nothing about theology sir; but I do know when rightly dividing the Word of truth, as the Holy Ghost has unveiled it to me, there is nothing out of context.
The most true glory we can give to the Lord, is to lay down our life for Him, just as He did for me/us. Hence, pick up your cross and follow me...He said. Why? because I believe in the only begotten Son of God.
I praise God for the Truth, He has taught me by way of the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of truth. And He told me, let no man take my crown. rag4aCrown
And it isn't my truth, but His.
Before I was even a twinkle in my daddy's eye, my Father knew me. He predestined my journey.
I hope your ready; for when this body falls, Satan, himself, is going to be loosed upon all the earth. You think it's evil outside now, brother, there is no evil, yet. Yes, Satan is going to make war with the saints, you know, the ones sitting comfortably in the house made with hands. Kingdom shall rise against kingdom. Are y'all ready for that? I tell you no. Why? Because they still preaching salvation message to the saved, and have never taken John 3:16 outside their walls. You know, so one can grow up in God, going forth in faith, suffering afflictions and persecutions, false accusations...you know, just like He did. Those inside should be teaching those sitting, how to put on the whole armor of God. Of course the one teaching would need to be dressed by God first, himself. Yes, that means one has to be a doer of the Word, not a hearer only. The Word comes alive on the pages, when one has faith and walks in His shoes.
I know you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but perhaps you can believe Proverbs 16:4
And take to heart 16:5, I forgive you, now ask God to forgive you.
Again, thank you, I love you and praise God for you.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen