Why did you "bless me"?
A person can NOT be a sin label with any faith. It's 100% hypocritical.
True acceptance of God and real repentance requires sacrifice. So, those Jews who claim "gay Jew" are simply violating God's law = Hell and pushing the absurd idea they can be an unrepentant sinner and Jew. The math doesn't add up.
Greetings in the Lord
You are preaching to those who do not oppose any of this.
You also can not continue in your own flesh and say you are Christian. That too is hypocritical.
For we are neither Jew nor Greek, nor bond nor free, nor male or female......we are spirit.
If one has truly repented, confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior, and have been touched by God, being born of the Holy Ghost, then one rose up a brand new creation and have put on Christ. For it is no longer I that lives, but Christ lives in me/you/us.
This is the Christian walk that separates us from the world.
For we see all things through the eyes of His heart.
And we are to love them, as He loves us and sacrificed His life for the sins of all the world.
Some reject Christ, as my friend does. He is still waiting on the Messiah to come. He is the old sect and very worldly, but through a kind heart and my friend knowing I stand for Christ, just maybe God may touch his heart too.
All praise glory and honor be unto God. Amen