Most Christian scholars of the Greek language recognize that 1 Cor. 14:34 was a later insertion by Catholic Priests. The grammar of the text does not flow like something that Paul would have written. Of course the literal-inerrantists, just cannot accept this fact. (And the liberal Christians tend to make up some other excuse whilst using it to whack others over the head.)
(2 Co 11:23 TR) διακονοι χριστου εισιν παραφρονων λαλω υπερ εγω εν κοποις περισσοτερως εν πληγαις υπερβαλλοντως εν φυλακαις περισσοτερως εν θανατοις πολλακις
This is why he used the term "out-resurrection" in Php 3:11: (ἐξανάστασις - ἐξ |out| α |not| νάστασις |dead| - G1815)
. Many Christians are in social positions where they have jobs, status, acceptance and friends, -
even REFERENCES FOR JOBS - that demand that they must show themselves to celebrate and worship the homosexual.
the worshiping of killing and torturing little children to death as they are being born
the worshiping of mass migration of the Canaanite into the western society to disrupt society and funnel income to the democrat donors
the worshiping of transgendered people who have born with abnormal birth defects, either because their parents were sexually deviant, used harmful drugs, or just the instance of nature malfunctioning .
the worshiping of failure in the education system
the worshiping of the Liberal Democrat fantasy and sexual role-playing and - projection that they sexually stimulate and project and simulate as an alternative sexual identity within little children
in All of these and more are used as tools by the Liberal Democrat to control and manipulate their environment to their advantage.
It is not enough to simply respect and show respect and a common human bond of love and value - the Liberal Democrat demand that you celebrate and worship
No Christian can support any sin.
God and the Bible aren't some "buffet" one can go through and pick only the "nice" parts and reject the "mean" parts. One must accept all of God or none at all.
There are no LGB or T+ Christians.
Are there LGB or T+ who are fighting against those sins and wants them gone forever? Yes. To claim "I am a LGB or T+ Christian" is hypocritical. Where are the spouse beating and alcoholic Christians who don't want to change? There are none.
There are two kinds of those people. Those who are mistaken, misinformed, brainwashed, and/or indoctrinated. The others never truly believed and accepted God in the first place; False Converts. Both must learn better and change or they'll suffer the same fate as any non-Christian.