I'm in agreement with peeps and sebi.
Music and song helps me reach out to God with more passion. Lyrics that are words from the Bible I find to be most helpful.
The Pastor at this new church I had been attending that is closer to where I live, will even preach with music. It stirs him up.
I really like David's songs, from the Psalms. The Psalms express a lot of what, I feel, in my heart.
One of my most favorite CD's is "Free to Fly" by Point of Grace.
I will not listen to songs that sing of enjoying sin or encouraging others to sin.
Just plain music, without words, helps me also.
I really enjoy, like another pastor at the other church I was attending, listening to just song without music; especially, when it is voices lifting themselves up to praise and worship God.
Words with music that expresses an overall truth, at all times, is good all the time.
Godly songs that use God's names, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, etc. I like more than not.
I have found that good godly music that shares a lot of things from the heart or from God's Word, helps me talk to God, moves me, stirs me, and if I will lift my voice up with it/them, I can end up rejoicing in the LORD greatly or falling on my knees in tears. When I fall on my knees I usually end up balling my eyes out but it is a releasing of things, for me. My tears express deeper things within me that I may not be able (usually, am not able) to express in any other way.
To and for me, good godly music helps me draw closer to God and if I participate with it - I, usually, always feel God drawing closer to me.
It is one thing that, I believe, every believer must have in their lives and should exercise, at least, once daily - like taking a multi vitamin & mineral supplement....
Praising and worshipping should be an every day exercise for me/us/Chistians and good godly music can help get one started.
The lyrics, if you believe/agree with them are the best.
I can go from beginning to end with one good godly praise and worship tape/CD and get all my sins confessed for that day, all my burdens taken off my shoulders for that day, receive a high dose of "faith", and walk away burden-free and refreshed and able to take on the world.
If I miss a day of this time with God, it makes a huge difference in my walk for that day. Skip a few days and it can get right down dangerous!
Got to have that kind of time with the LORD! Good godly music filled with a lot of Biblical truth is wonderful for the health of a soul!
That's the best I can describe it.