Enxu -- your bio says you're from China -- and I'm thinking that we've had this conversation before. I might end up repeating myself -- the New Testament 'church' Now is fairly different from that of in Biblical times. In any of the churches I've gone to during my life -- a lot of them due to moving around -- None have ever 'begged' the congregation for money. Apparently you feel that passing the offering plate around is 'begging' for money -- well -- it isn't. It's also an act of worship. Worshiping God with our tithes and offerings. Someone prays for the offering time -- that God will bless what we share in that way. No one Has to put Anything in the offering plate.
There Are small groups during the week that meet to have Bible study and share a snack. That seems to be replacing the Sunday evenings and Wedn evening Bible study times at the church. And small groups Are an outreach into the community. People will attend a small group instead of a church. But we Still need to be connected to the local church group.
I really don't think that people are rejecting or accepting the Gospel unto salvation because they don't like an offering plate being passed around. People Do happen to like being indoors out of the weather elements -- they Do like indoor plumbing and nursery care for their small children. They Do like potluck dinners and kitchens to serve them in and a fellowship hall to enjoy eating them and fellow shipping with their church family friends.
Now -- if You want to belong to a small group and meet in someone's home for Bible study , etc, by all means do so. However, don't be condemning those of us who Do meet in a church building and have a pastor to pay and bills to pay to maintain their buildings. A lot of people are reached in a building at one time. NO one stands beside any person in the congregation and Waits for them to 'hand over some money'. If they Do -- they are very wrong.
And, no pastor should be telling Anyone that the Christian life is a bed of roses to be enjoyed. Then again -- maybe that Is correct. A rose is beautiful on top, but has Lots of thorns right underneath it. It's Very easy and painful to prick a finger on a rose bush if you're trying to pick one. Used to have a series of rose bushes on our private property. They were beautiful. The neighbors enjoyed their presence. But they Also were the home to hornet's nests at times. I got too close while trimming the branches and got Stung. So -- living the Christian life Isn't especially fun -- it's living a life that , hopefully is going to be attracting people To Christ, not away from Him. Lots of hardships might come our way, just to test us to see how we Do react. Do people hear us getting angry at others' or their circumstances -- do they hear us cursing? That should not be.
WE Are to be faithfully sharing the Gospel when the opportunity comes our way. Some people are very outgoing and others are fairly shy -- God uses our uniqueness for His glory.
Maybe in your experiences in life -- you Have seen lots of people turn away from God. But people are Still turning To God and will continue to.
Time for breakfast.