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SignUp Now!Depends on what you mean by "Gave myself to God".Before I gave myself to god in 2012 I was a terrible person I used a lady I was with for unmarried sex she didn’t know I was also visiting brothels and drinking and smoking I have stopped all this years ago but I think I may go to hell please some guidance would help
'The wages of sin is death' (Romans 6:23b)What exactly was the penalty that the Messiah bore that would otherwise have to be borne by us?
Consider this. Jesus never sinned. He faced God's wrath for 3 days.
So why the wrath?
So why the wrath?
You couldn't pay the debt for my sins, you have your own sins. I can't pay the debt for your sins, I have my own as well.
Jesus could pay the debt for others sins, because He didn't owe a debt for Himself.
Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die.But exactly what was the debt paid by the Messiah that would otherwise have to be paid by us?
I know the answer and you are not going to like it. Because "Man loves darkness rather than Light" And Jesus came in to The world to bear witness also to "THE TRUTH". And some times when the Light comes on it may plunge one deeper into the DARK. If the LIGHT is bright enough it will. And you cannot get no brighter than GOD. But i will give you a "spark". ......... You see, You belong to someone else because some one sold you, and a ransom had to paid to redeem you. Now The price had to be a "Sacrifice" and not a ordinary one, it was a very HIGH PRICE! That a human mind cannot conceive the value. No Human could paid the price to redeem themselves neither do they need to be redeem, neither are they valuable enough to be redeem. Now i am going to stop right here. It is all in the BOOK and revealed in The Person Of JESUS CHRIS, "The SALVATION STORY". many might have to wait until, the appointed day and some won't to receive a little more. And the TRUTH breaks you, Humbles you, in a way that mankind sees it as pride but in "Christ" Broken. And by been broken HE LIVES.But exactly what was the debt paid by the Messiah that would otherwise have to be paid by us?
I know the answer and you are not going to like it.
Is not the Title of This Thread a Question? "Will I go to hell" A question is looking for a answer. Unless the world has change the meaning of a question.Because I don't see how it is responsive to the question.
Is not the Title of This Thread a Question? "Will I go to hell" ... A question. I answered it, with a statement.
I will say it again in layman terms this time. it is not your "Thread" even if i address your post, all is related to the "Author" of The Title Thread. It is not your Thread. If any should be offended it is the "Author" of "The THREAD" and I will apologize to The "Author' if I offend them with any of my respond.So why did you quote my question to B-A-C if you were going to respond to a different one, i.e., "Will I go to hell"?
BTW, I don't see what your response to that one had anything to do with it.
I will say it again in layman terms this time. it is not your "Thread" even if i address your post...
That’s what the water baptism is all about
Dunked under the water fully submerged that represents death then you were brought out of the water that represents rebirth
Born again that’s why they call it born again
And it doesn’t get any easier in fact it’s actually tougher to live by God‘s laws it’s easier to live in the world of Satan because Satan basically says do whatever you want to do with no consequences
he is a liar we know that there will be consequences sheol is not hell it’s a waiting place for judgment when Jesus comes again he will judge the wicked also the righteous
In Sheol according to the Bible the torment they talk about is not a physical torment but a spiritual torment The idea that you will not be with the father for eternity grieves your spirit
This is a great production of the parable describing Sheol in the bible
After which you will be cast into the lake of fire and you will be eternally dead that’s the final death
It Does not get easy just because you were reborn it’s very hard to resist temptation and the enemy doesn’t need to torment the worldly people because they already serve him but he will try to torment the followers of the father and the father himself will test you as described here to build character for good reasons
you will soon learn it’s a lifelong journey to be Christlike that’s the goal is to be as much like Christ as you Can but no one can live without sin and only Jesus Christ could do that you will be tested but know that the test and the trials will have a reward in the end
Read the word because when you read the Bible that is God talking to you
exposing his nature to you
and when you pray that is you talking to God so combine reading the word with prayer and you have a complete communication between you and the father
Have faith shalom
Before I gave myself to god in 2012 I was a terrible person I used a lady I was with for unmarried sex she didn’t know I was also visiting brothels and drinking and smoking I have stopped all this years ago but I think I may go to hell please some guidance would help
No one gets into heaven just because they were saved, contrary to much false teaching today. The only thing that gets a person into heaven, is a personal relationship with God built up over time through prayer and worship. Salvation is only the means to get you what you need in order to enter into the presence of a sinless, holy God.