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SignUp Now!Between me and plough is my fight ;D. I don't hate plough I know how to handle him and make him see the light I will not argue with you. I apologize to all who saw that it is not wise I agree. Don't judge Twistie you don't know me. Thank you.
Ya n I don't think I wanna as nasty n prideful as u sound js
N I don't judge your words r proof of your pride js
N u can make no one see nuttin fyi u are not YH that's ur pride
Yeah probably that twistie ask someone to help ya, your posts became long and perhaps phone has to be updated ;D. You go girl.
Idk N technology is not friends lol
One thing I have been searching keeping on the back burner. It would seem Women to represent the bride, or church outwardly represents the priesthood of believers. Many today teach the opposite and say they should be silent.
Men (like Adam ) used to represent Christ not seen who declares his prophecy through a woman to represent the whole Church.
Adam acting as God did not protect His prophet (Eve) the priest from false prophecy. "Neither shall you touch"
The law of the priesthood of believers in Exodus 7.
Note . . .(parentheses) my added suggestion
Exodus 7:1-2 And the Lord said unto Moses (Adam), See, I have made thee (Adam) a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron (Eve) thy brother shall be thy prophet.Thou (Adam) shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron (Eve)thy brother shall speak (preach) unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.
Yes, beginning in the garden Eve is used as a priestess like that of Aaron. And Adam through Moses to represent the invisible head Christ the husband.We have found that the bible is truth. Their will be more women things unraveled and find to be biblical. I will not say Adam and Eve are the same as Moses and Aaron. They have diffrent positions in symbolic way and what you is not the correct position. If your searching women and they have influence thru history and Sarah and Deborah represent them symbolically search for mother of Israel if you say examples like Moses and Aaron it cannot work.