Hello asanima, I must say that this conversation is becoming
more interesting with each post, thanks for the replies.
You asked about justified belief.
something believed or accepted as true
to demonstrate or prove to be right, or valid.
Is it possible given the definitions asanima to prove a belief?
Let me demonstrate from a scientific viewpoint.
Below are the assumptions of science, since
you are interested in science, please read.
Basic assumptions of science (Nachmias and Nachmias 1996, pp. 5-7)
1. Nature is orderly, i.e., regularity, pattern, and structure.
Laws of nature describe order.
2. We can know nature. Individuals are part of nature.
Individuals and social exhibit order; may
be studied same as nature.
3. All phenomena have natural causes.
Scientific explanation of human behavior opposes
religious, spiritualistic, and magical explanations.
4. Nothing is self evident.
Truth claims must be demonstrated objectively.
5. Knowledge is derived from acquisition of experience.
Empirically. Thru senses directly or indirectly.
6. Knowledge is superior to ignorance.
Let's focus on assumption number three for now.
"All phenomena have natural causes."
Now for the definition of 'assumption',
something taken for granted or accepted as true without
proof; a supposition: a valid assumption.
Notice in the definition of assumption "accepted as true without proof".
Hence, science is in fact a belief system due to the third assumption.
A belief system of faith which is accepted as true without proof.
Well, no.
The reason why the third one isnt an assumption, is because it is something that has been demonstrated, countless times.
Lightning, volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, these things have been demonstrated to have natural causes.
Supernatural events, Palm readings, personal revelations, black magic, prayer, have not been demonstrated that they are true, as claimed by the person who is experiencing/claiming the event occurred.
If you have a personal revelation, im fine with that. And if i received the same revelation, i might be a believer too. But it would be something that i cannot demonstrate to anyone outside myself. It would be something that is only self evident, only evidence to me, and no one else.
If I was to ask you to prove that science was true, you could only ever reply.
"I believe it is true", the emphasis is on "believe".
Sure. But dont you believe that Gravity exists? Is your belief in gravity, without evidence?
Belief isnt an assumption. You can believe because of evidence, proof.
I am an incurable skeptic asanima, so I would reply "you have nothing
to support your third assumption other than faith. All your findings
in science are of course assumed to be true. Is it possible to prove
anything in science, probably not, it is only a construction of faith
in the end. Absolute knowledge would be necessary to ultimately
know whether something was objectively true.
I would agree with you that i do not know, with absolute certainty, that the world around me is true. It could be, that we are all brains in vats, sharing a virtual reality, like in the movie The Matrix. I would have no way of knowing for certain.
But is it a belief without evidence? No. My senses confirm, provide evidence that what i experience is real. And my interaction with other people, also confirm this.
If by "Prove", you are talking about providing evidence, providing a reasonable amount of evidence and arguments that support that something in science is true, then yes, i can "prove" things in science.
If by "Prove", you are talking about absolute proof, 100% knowledge, then no, i cannot "prove" anything in science. But such a definition of proof, is useless. It serves no practical use.
Lets revisit assumption three, you will notice that science is
opposed to religion. One faith against another faith?
I must say at times I struggle with these ridiculous intellectual
constructions of thought. How can a system of thought based
on assumptions be opposed to another system of faith not based
on assumptions (Christianity).
Science isnt "Opposed" to religion. The problem here, is that religion has yet to provide actual, reliable, demonstrable evidence to back up its claims. Until it can, it isnt science, but just because something isnt accepted by science, doesnt mean its opposed by science. Science hasnt accepted Cold Fusion, but science isnt opposed towards the concept of cold fusion.
Its why christians can be scientists, Muslims can be scientists, etc.