We have nothing other than our brains to achieve any degree of understanding.
I would say arguing for science is more about arguing for the scientific point of view. Accepting things supported by evidence, rejecting old theories that no longer hold up, etc. Based on the evidence currently available, accepting the big bang theory is rational. alsI like arguing for rationality.
If there is some greater source of knowledge, the only way it would be at all useful to us is if we were able to come upon it. We have no means of understanding other than our own brains.
I think this is more a problem that religion has. Science encourages discussion, debate, and the competition of ideas.
I'll agree with this point. I don't think the big bang constitutes evidence against God. It presents an explanation for the origin of the universe other than "God did it," which is useful for a non-theistic argument.
Your argument that science promotes discussion, debate and competition of ideas is demonstrably false. What if a physicist decides that Global Warming is junk science and tries to get a paper published? Given your open discussion and debate and free exchange of ideas, wouldnt it be wonderful if the scientific community be free of prejudice and allow ideas to be analyzes and debated on their own merit? Of course, this is untrue - and blacklisting scientists because of thought that goes against dogma or what is politically correct has happened for centuries.
In fact, if it werent for Christianity and its pursuit of truth, we would be having this conversation via cans and a wire. But I digress. What really irks me about your comment regarding the superiority of the scientific method is the lack of humility, especially when you compare it religion. No one here stated religion as a man made institution was perfect, and yet you preen over how scientists use rational debate even as they have stifled debate throughout history. So, you are full of it.
You may think that science is this pedestal upon which all men should worship, but of course your wrong - science gave the world the eugenic movement which allowed men in Germany to scientifically formulate racial purity laws. As doctors performed surgeries on inferior races that were indescribably vicious they justified their actions that it was done to advance science.
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