Are they HIS people because they are irresistibly selected or because God gave them the choice to be HIS people? "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2.4).in beginning of Mathew the angel tells Joseph he is to name the child Jesus because he will save HIS people from there sin.
God is not jealousy, jealousy is a sin. God is jealous God because He wants our affections above all else. I am calling god of Calvinism evil, because a person is born into sin without any opportunity for salvation under Calvinism. That's evil. Your god stands there and watches a person drowning and doesn't even lend them a hand. If that's not evil I don't know what is. Your god blames the person when it was your god's fault. Whereas in Christianity, God provides sufficient grace for all, because God is love, not jealousy.God is not capable of evil. God is not bound by any moral law and he does what he wishes according to his own good pleasure. NO man should dare call god evil. is jealousy a sin? for us it is, but God is Jealousy
If God did not create man, man would not exist, so that is hardly the point. God is the provider of all things, repentance and faith, without which man could not come to Christ. The point is the Christian God provides sufficient and enabling grace to all, but the god of Calvinism does not. What choice can a dead man make to accept or deny God? Man is not a corpse. He is a living breathing human bein made in God's image. So your analogy fails trying to relate to the physical. Therefore, dead here doesn't mean incapability of receiving the cross, but it means lost communication that needs to be restored, which man can be made alive, spiritually, by coming to the cross which he is fully capable of doing because he is not Totally depraved. May you stop using Total depravity to keep yourself separated from God by being unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. God is not allowed to be unethical in His saving grace.that is what is needed to be saved. but uless god opened that mans eyes, he would not have been capable of making that decision. we are dead in our sin. what choice can a dead man make? if someone came to a dead corpse and said hey do you want me to bring you back to life? what answer would the man get? None! he is speaking to a dead person and his words are falling on deaf ears. it is the same with us. god resurrects us by his own choice and of ours.
I am not aware of any great reformation by Calvinists. Introducing a heresy is not a reformation but a lie. Who is the father of lies? Hitler was inspired by Calvinism. Is that a good reformation? He said the Jews are to be given no grace and belong in the gas chambers just like the god of Calvinism says of the reprobate. And the irresistibly selected are the Aryan race like the Calvinists. Even Luther who contradicted himself was unsure about his ideas did hold to unlimited atonement, resistible grace and conditional election. The reformation of "Justification by faith" has nothing to do with Calvinism. Augustine and Calvin were amillennialists and believed in infant baptismal regeneration, so I am not sure what exactly they restored and how lies can be a reformation? The great spiritual revivals were by non-Calvinists, i.e. Christians. Such as the Brethren movement, Welsch revival and Christians under persecution in China. Armenians are a nationality of people-you are probably confusing them with Arminians. It was backed up that Calvinists are under the rule of Satan because they express their evil through irresistible grace and having no love to provide sufficient grace to the reprobate to have an opportunity for salvation. What love is this? No Scripture agrees with you. Does God offer us salvation when He says "come unto me" (Matt. 11.28) because we have free-will: "whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22.17)?are you saying that calvinists are being ruled by Satan? if you are you are a fool. considering the fact that every great reformation in church history was led by men who believed these doctrines, if it was Satan then he was working against himself. and i am quite certain that Satan would not be stupid enough to make that mistake. also i would never dare question the faith and Christianity of one of my Armenian brothers. you saying Calvinists are under the rule of Satan is quite a bold statement that you cannot back up no matter how hard you try.
You can repent while still dead in your sins, because dead doesn't mean physically dead. A physically dead person can't accept Christ or reject Him. Dead means lost communication. Nobody who thinks they are regenerated without having to repent and believe prior is saved, for that is a selfish salvation. A Calvinist doesn't have a quickened conscience to sense this pride in them, because they don't want to be saved God's way. They are too selfish, unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Never think that repentance and faith are forced as Satan teaches. That's not genuine. Christians want fellowship with the genuine. We don't feel comfortable around pride. It's ugly to cannot repent while still dead in your sin. you must be regenerated first, or in other words be brought to life spiritually. all those who are regenerated will repent.
I think you probably meant to say it "it was NOT based on anything we did..." But God never said you believing is a work. Are not faith and works contrasted as opposites? "By grace are ye saved, through faith;...not of works" (Eph. 2.8-9); "But to him that worketh not, but believeth..." (Rom. 4.5). So here is how you misread God's loving word. God says faith is not a works, but you say it is. Who is right? Your god or God of the Bible? Additionally you have a doubletongue, because it is ok for you do do a work of ASSUMING regeneration before having to repent and believe, but it is not ok for Chritians to repent and believe to be regenerated? That's what I call a doublestandard. God's love is not conditional because election is conditional. God's love is unconditional. He loves us all. He loves His perfect creation. God still loves everyone. It is because God loved us ALL first that those who love Him are then saved because we receive His love. May you one day come to know His love too, that He is not Jealousy. You seem jealous of Christians because we were willing to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated but you are too selfish to do so. You've twisted reality by not seeing God's love for all by dying on the cross for our sins, not only my sins, but the sins of the whole world. You do not know this love. That's why Jesus died for you to show you His love that you would accept Him. Christ repeatedly gave such invitations as "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11.28), and "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink" (John 7.37).this is not true, we know that we have been chosen by God, and know that it was based on anything we did or could have done. if it had been, and god loved me based on the fact that i loved him first, that would make gods love conditional, which it is not.
So a Calvinist can never really know if he is saved or not because it was never his choice. His assumption he was regenerated is just that, an assumption. He doesn't really know, so he works so hard for it. That's why it is called "perseverance of the saints" for Calvinists rather than "preservation of the saints." But the Bible says salvation is not by works, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2.8).
But here is the difference. A Calvinist can't be plucked out because he is irresistibly made to believe like a robot, whereas Christians were given the choice to come the cross, able to obtain the gift of repentance and faith afforded to us all. Calvinists are forced whereas Christians (Arminians) entered into a faith in a God who promises to keep even when we are failthless. May you know this kind of God.i agree completely, once god has chosen you it is not within the power of any man, including yourself, to turn away from god.
I haven't seen anyone in the first or second century that taught Calvinism, so you are mistaken in thinking that. Augustine introduced the heresy. Hitler was influenced by Calvinism as many authors have noted in German writings the idea of irresistible selection, Jews belong in the gas chambers from birth and the Aryan race from birth selected according to Hitler's good Calvinistic pleasure. Whether Augustine or Calvin, the same five points of TULIP is the false salvation. You are unwilling to give control of self and place your trust in God, but have gone th selfish route of assuming salvation without prior repentance and faith. If you think you can't repent, you won't! Satan's got you.just to get this straight. Calvin did not invent this doctrine. it has been around since the beginnings of the Christian Church. Hitler was not influenced by Calvinism he was influenced by Darwinism. and if the name Calvin bothers you then lets use Augustine.
Now to the crux of the issue. Where does it say in the Bible we are no longer made in God's image with a spirit, soul and body? It is because we are made in God's image we will never cease to exist.where in the bible does it say that we are STILL in the image of god?
You doan't know the Scriptures. "Seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul" (Deut. 4.29). You can give your life to Christ. Answer this question: WHY ARE YOU UNWILLING TO?Answer this question WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PLEASE GOD?