Hey all I am definitely into Calvin - his philosophy is so applicable to understanding life ...
Well i know a lot about his personal life, i have read His "biography" and what a great testimony, I have read in his biography how he study, from a time he was a kid, I have study, Aurelius Augustine his Biography, and a few more of the church fathers, and a lot of the Reformers, and John Calvin really was a "Augustinian" and i considered myself a "Augustinian" and once as my "Avatar" I was known as
"The Augustinian Monk"
I have read Calvins "Institutes of The Christian Religion" so many times i have 2 copies one was at home in my library and one at work.
Many do not know when they look at the Constitution of the USA, they are looking at "John CALVIN" at The Puritans, John Calvin, the May Flower, John Calvin, the set up of the Protestant churches, John Calvin, The Evangelistic work, of "John CALVIN", all of his "Seminary Grads" died "Martyrs" taking THE GOSPEL According to JESUS CHRIST to a dying world. Our Sundays School, John CALVIN, A MAN who did not want to teach or preach let alone pastor,
They told Him if He does not help them in teaching and carrying the gospel, with the the gifts that GOD had given unto HIM, When GOD get through YOU! The Story of JONAH is going to seem like a "Fairy Tale"! They scared John Calvin with the threats what GOD was going to to to Him, He said their voices sound like "THUNDER" He said , His Knees started shaking, He thought that GOD was coming down. He agree to teach and preach and lead in judicial services in "Geneva", He broke that town up. I think it was legal to have one wife and two miss-tress. He broke that up, those deacons and leaders did like that. Many came, coming to church thinking they are going to have "Communion" He broke it up, Stood in front of them. Over my dead body he said! LOL

He block the CommunionTable. They shot his house up a lot of times With Those big long rifles that look like canons. And they finally kick him out of "Geneva" and he was glad to leave!

Later on they BEG him to come back, please come back Calvin, please come back.

"Geneva" was on the wild! Finally he said ok, He told the Officials, But this time, we are going to do it my way! and he turn the world around. AND many do not even know it, WHAT that man through the Calling of GOD. And when he died he said bury me in an unmark grave. Because they might Idolize me.
It was Apostle Paul, then came John Calvin. when you look through your translations, you see John Calvin, and William Tyndale, and your democracy at its best, and many do not even know it, and many do not even care, what GOD through Jesus Christ has done through these men. The Great Reformers! "The Reformation Wall" was not Erected for show. If you deny him here you will deny him in Heaven, If you have called him a false teacher here, you will call him a false teacher in Heaven, If you deny him as your brother here, you will deny him as your brother in Heaven! you do not get to HEAVEN and CHANGE your mind!
You must "repent down here". And a few thing we know what GOD Hates is, may it be a he or she.
American Standard Version
"A false witness that uttereth lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren."
And i don't like it when people talk about my Brother "John CALVIN" and let these words be written in the "Halls of Justice" Stamp and Sealed by the Spirit of The LiIVING GOD that i said it in the name of JESUS.
Now how is that, concerning "Theological Thought" by a "ploughboy".
Hey Waggles, you like that? I do, I do,
"biographies"are great, the best teacher, is the recorded lives of these men and how they live. Not what they taught, but how they lived.
AND they will lead you to other great men of the faith. it is their lives is the example of following and proclaiming the GOSPEL According to JESUS CHRIST" through fear, pain and sickness, being stone and blood dripping from their faces unto the bible that lies down before them and come back the next day proclaiming the Gospel According to JESUS. What kind of Men were these.
And there was a Theologian back in the 15th century whose name was "John Colet" who's father was a Mayor of London, who's friends were Gangsters, They told the people you better not touch him, you better not touch , let him preach! The Gangsters had to protect the Theologian. For he was telling like it is! He held no punches. over 2000 people was there. that Theologian strip them naked! He told about their sins, and laid them down at the foot of JESUS! Those boys was bad, When they preach, the people wanted to kill them, and come back the next day for more Torture, And by the end of the week, They were screaming what must i do to be saved. i am sorry please for give me!
When I started reading about those mens over 40 years, This Modern day, dime store cowboy christianity in these United of States America of today, can not even shine their boots. It change me, i knew christianity had to be more. "name it and claim it, tongue talking, skip rope theology, Prophesying turn coat, tithe seed planting, no return commodity. Only thing reaping around here is the pastor, and he making our wives thinking they are queens, and the men has become their rugs, that they can step on anytime and when they ain't happy

no body happy. We are not looking for happiness we want to follow JESUS.
During his ministry in Geneva, Calvin preached over two thousand sermons. Initially he preached twice on Sunday and
three times during the week.
What were John Calvin's last words?
When his associates were concerned for his health and encouraged him to rest, he shot back: “
What! Would you have the Lord find me idle while he comes?” During the last few months of his life, he slowed down but refused to give up. He was carried to the church to preach his last sermon on February 6, 1564.Apr 25, 2012