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Dear Shaolin,C4E...have you studied hermeneutics yet? Hermeneutics does not replace the place of the Holy Spirit in studying the Scriptures, what it does is confirm to us what the Holy Spirit's intended meaning of a verse says. I have heard people say before that they get their interpretation from the Spirit...yet they were deceived (I am not saying you are, I am simply stating some facts on the subject).
As for ANE covenants, this is a HUGE problem in the grass roots level of the church today. We have known about ANE covenants since the late 1890's and much research has gone into codifying exactly what they are and how they affect our understanding of Scripture. In truth - if a person is actually listening to the Holy Spirit when it comes to their interpretations of Scripture, then we find covenant only ratifies what we already know...but sadly, there are more denominations and churches out there today who not only know nothing of covenant and how it affects our interpretations of Scripture, but most denominations REFUSED to acknowledge what ANE covenants tell and show us - for no other reason than their doctrines were demonstrated to be in complete error.
One thing covenant does, just like a modern day contract, it defines and limits our interpretation of Scripture (which is where we get the "Scripture interprets Scripture" principle from), covenant gives boundaries to what we can say a verse means, and certain groups that came out of the Reformation refuse to align their doctrinal statements with the Scriptures, so they refused to incorporate ANE covenants into their hermeneutic. This is really sad, because many people out there, because of these people in control of these denominations, believe they are saved and on their way to heaven, when they have been deceived.
I can give you theological papers to read on the subject if you are really interested in reading up on them, just let me know...
Yes I've studied hermeneutics, but more cursory then a by rote. Especially since the Holy Spirit opens my understanding to what He will when I ingest Scripture, but can see where it does come in handy. I would say the greatest jewel from it would have been viewing Scripture in Context. Until I learn more of ANE covenants I'm not sure how I'll categorize its usefulness. Not knowing the entirety of it, but seeing the implication that God used it in His Covenants with Israeli, makes me think of the "Cart before the Horse" analogy, or God using what He wills. Anyway, being moved to understanding by the Holy Spirit at times happens when I'm researching something totally unrelated! It's at these times that I find myself jumping up in joy, praising His name! Alleluia!!! Used to make my wife jump, and then I start blabbering about it, but of course I would then I get the fish eye look from her for having made her jump out of her skin!!!
As far as the church I attend and its attention to Covenants. We have a couple of Teachers who provide College level courses on the subject. I haven't taken them, and don't see myself doing so, due to my personal responsibilities whose marriage covenant takes precedence at this time over many other things I would like to do. As the Lord wills.
On individuals being deceived, believing themselves saved who are not. Really not surprising. Matthew 7:22-23 and the rest of the chapter should be an eye opener to every believer, which speaks to the very subject.
Now on the ANE Covenants I've downloaded a pdf on the subject but haven't taken the time to read it yet. So, if you'd like to share some papers with me, no problem. I'll add it to my growing list of things to read.
With the Love of Christ Jesus.