Can a person who have not Been Converted into a new creature, can that person be possessed by demons? What do you mean CAN? They are, possess!!
Some just have more than others! There are all types of Demons! Lying demons, blocking demons, sexual demons of all kinds of sexual “Degradations”, drinking demons, stealing demons, Glutton demons, backbiting demons, Gossiping demons, Adulterating Demons, fornicating demons, they cannot get enough, all kinds of different kinds of demons. I told y’all we got “Christian’s” then we got “Children of GOD” and “Sons of GOD” and “Fathers in the faith”

teenagers always know better that their grown parents.
There are more demons than people!
Y’all better go back and pray real hard, and pick them spaces up you skip over!
You do remember it don’t take all of that
You don’t need all of That “Armour”

You just need love! Just put your arms around that devil and hug him and give him a holy kiss and train him how to be a good little Christian.
Do any one remember the story about that “Snake” she found in the cold, wrap him up, put him in her pocket, took him home and fed him, and nurse him back to health. That snake got well and Bit her.
She ask why did you bite me after I warm you up, took you into my home and fed you and nurse you back to health?
The snake replied:
Did you not know, I was a Snake when you Pick me up and took me home?
You must read The Whole Book!
God Told Israel on many occasions, kill everything, man, woman and child, goats, sheep kill everything, then on some occasions not all but keep those virgin women who have never known a man.
He didn’t tell them why, he gave a command. If they did not do what he said, there were Consequences, sometimes those consequences went through all their generations to come.
God never lies. And his mercy endures for ever!
Here is a good one, the person is married, then finds Their “Soul Mate”, he or she, is like I have known them all my life. Not Realizing there are Demons involved, they know what they like one demon touching another demon, exciting the human senses,
Cupid firing his arrows straight to and Penetrating the heart, tagging them.,,,these are the ones you got to Run and don’t look back….The only Armour you got is your Feet! Now! If You open that gate he got friends!

Called, lying demons, deceptive demons, false accusations demons, demons that spread Discourse, demons that cause dis-respectful behavior towards your spouse, Gossiping about your spouse, to win others over to your side, causing them to act in dis respectful ways.
And you thought before you got the Holy Ghost you was in Bondage! But when that Group comes in by permission he is bring company! And no Abra Kasam! Is going to make them flee that quick, they got permission from GOD to teach you a lesson you will never forget!

Because you are going to need “The GOD ALMIGHTY”. To give a Direct Command to set you Free!

And you will have wounded many, and left deep scars into your very Soul but healed but The Spiritual Scars will remain as a Reminder that you will not forget.
You will never leave That Porch Again!