As a believer, are you not one of the "spiritual folks"?
i'm a bit supprised you don't instantly know what i'm talking about.
i've met many christians in churches who, when you bring up the harder things of life and death, salvation, being born again, judgement, they will quickly change the subject and say things like "i'm a spiritual person, i don't judge"
not all of them are unsaved.
one of the strangest people i met was an old friend of a friend of mine. we got to talking about spiritual stuff and he was familiar with the bible, but he had his stories all mixed up. i set him straight on a half a dozen details and then i told him, "you need to go read the bible again with a completely neutral perspective on rachel, she wasn't the perfect person our sunday schools make her out to be" -and this guy instantly left the bar. he comes back in half an hour later, saying to me
"i was so affected by your judgement, i had to go smoke some weed to clear my head"
i'm like.. what? all i'm saying is she isn't.. and he didn't let me finish.
I learned some things about how the spirit of marijuana works that night. its a lying spirit that in general says "everything is fine, there is no judgment"--and this is, in general, the majority POV of those who call themselves "spiritual"
I have walked into a "bible study" where a person there began manifesting in front of me (e.g. raging, frothing at the mouth, spitting), as his spirit recognized my Spirit. And all this without me saying anything or drawing any attention to myself. So why doesn't every believer experience this or see this? Because the "believer" may not be a true believer, and/or he is walking in unrighteousness or degrees of unbelief. Meanwhile, the devils discern all of the spiritual dynamics of the parties involved! So sanctification is crucial to being able to walk effectively in our calling, and since that takes work, it's not popular.
satan has a different approach to the spirits in other people, because i'm not afraid of them. if they manifest in the person, it would give me a chance to influence the person to change their ways. so instead they hide from me.
the demons in homeless people routinely will act up around my wife, because she is afraid.
maybe 4 years ago she was on a bus and sat away from some guy who didn't loook good, and she started praying for him.
he started getting animated, started complaining: "someone on this bus is praying for me and they need to stop it!!"
Similar situation happened just a few weeks ago, a homeless person outside a store started talking to someone who wasn't there, as soon as my wife walked out of the store and walked by him. .. me? 12 years ago i would have tried to talk to him. probably would not have ended well. there is a time and a place for exorcisms.
maybe 5 years ago now, i sat down next to a girl at a church group and talked to her a bit. i had tried to help her out in the past. i left the room to call her boyfriend about his car i was working on. she texts me while i'm talking to him, saying "i had the strongest panic attack the instant you left the room"
i replied back "yeah they dont like me"
i can't remember if she replied to me or not, but she didn't find that funny.
a few weeks later she had a panic attack that ended in the hospital. she told me "i didn't believe you until 4 other people told me it was demonic"
-because of her desires for me, i couldn't help her.* i guess all i can say is the woman was fortunate to have 5 people tell her the same thing. many rarely get 1 person to help them.
*but this was not the case a year or so later when I saw a demon following a girl into her friends house. I told it to leave her alone, and instantly this girls attraction to me ceased and she appeared ashamed of herself. -its been 5 years now and I now have a strong idea of where her desire for me came from, and it wasn't sin, at the time. her response to the desire was. She should have simply asked me to pray for her depression, which i didn't know about until september 2022, when i saw her through the spiritual realm, crying on her bed, i reached my hand through the realm to touch her and pray that God would heal her depression... she didn't make eye contact with me again for 6-9 months after that, which was quite a relief to me. She appeared genuinely happy around her siblings and parents. back in 2018, i was afraid to talk to her thinking she was a foster child, and she was way too young to take the risk to talk to, plus i didn't know her parents.