Have you read and studied this in the Bible?
Have you taken the time to research online and in Bible
handbooks for a possible solution? Not every solution
has to be man-made. Miracles for these things should not
lower God's status in anyone's eyes. For through Him,
all things are possible. The story contains many miracles
in just BRINGING the animals there. Genesis 6:20, 7:9,15
Genesis 6:21
Most days, I don't care what I ate last week, nor do
I even remember. I just know that I ate, it was good,
I am alive. :giggle: If I were required to write down everything
I ate, I would stop making that list before the day was over. Heehee.
If the Bible contained a list of things ALL the animals ate,
would anyone care to read pages and pages of it? Not
so much.
I never said every solution has to be man-made. I'm just wondering how did the 2 penguins trekked across from the South Pole to Judea without dying? I guess we can try to figure something that we don't know out or just sweep it under the miracle rug. If my alarm clock suddenly fell from my table, I wouldn't know what caused it nor would I attribute to the work of a deity.
Again, I don't really care what ALL the animals ate. I'm just wondering what did the 2 panda bears ate since pandas only eat bamboos. I'm trying to reconcile what the carnivore animals ate, during the flood, with the 2 and 7 pairs of animals that made it to the Ark. It must be a miracle for the 2 lions, tigers, jaguars et al to remain healthy while on a strict vegetarian diet.
On the net, the religious theorists couldn't decide what did Noah do with the waste. It's a shame that the Bible didn't mention that so these pious souls can devote more time to study the scripture.
I just took physics class, and what I learned there, is that anything
will cool down faster (or melt) if there is a dramatic temp. difference.
Ex.) boiling tea cools faster at room temp. which is why people always try to find ways to keep heat inside the cup. The ice would not have taken long to melt.
As for the salt, there is a lot more salt water than fresh water. Lots. It would not be less salty.
Fresh water is fresh because the process of going downstream picks up small amounts of sediment and minerals that are too small to taste, and they build up at the end (oceans and seas). Like Nemo says, rivers lead to the ocean. ^-^
Funny that the Bible didn't mention the sudden rise and subsequent drop in temperature before, during or after the flood. This must be one of the miracles.
The water covered all mountains during the flood. Mount Everest is 30,000 feet tall!!! The extra water would overwhelmed the ocean water. Unless, of course, it's a miracle that the extra water contained the specific salination that was good for ocean marine life. Unfortunately, that meant all the fresh water fish would have died. Unless, of course, God built a salt/fresh water barrier that allowed the water to rise 30,000 feet but no mixing of the salt and fresh water. Or we may have misread the Bible. It maybe just a thin coated of water to cover the top of the mountain. God certainly worked in a mysterious way.
Man's opinion of customs differ from each other a lot, and therefore, most of the descendents would have formed their own groups and customs, and packed up. If you look at the possible population a few years from now, it will be HUGE. Diversity would not have been a problem because people are the fastest producing species on Earth.
Just in Genesis, there are so many people, I ran out of room on my piece of paper to record them all. (I tried making a family tree thingy).
Actually, human is one of the slowest reproducing species. In Old Testament time, an average life span would be about 30 years. Assuming that Noah's daughter in-laws reproduce when they were 13, this would be about 17 offspring each. A chicken produced far more than that in a week.
No scientists can claim that the current Caucasian, African and Asian population mutated from the genes of Noah in 3,000 years. It maybe possible in a thousand million years but 3,000 years is a very short time frame. But the Bible said Noah's flood was about 8,000 years old. Again, it's a miracle.