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- Mar 31, 2015
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Hi, Born Again 2004. I do not come here to try to impress anyone or object to or dispel anyone’s beliefs. I come here because (as I said) I am preoccupied with the nature of our existence and I am genuinely interested in the ideas of people who share a different worldview from my own. I haven’t formed very many purely original ideas in my understanding of realit, but instead it has evolved over time through interactions like this and I find it generally a positive experience. AND there is always the chance that rubbing elbows with the faithful, I just might “see the light.”
You won't 'see the light' from rubbing elbows with anyone. God has to show you the light. All we can do is 'lead you to the water / light'.
Leading you to the water:
Step 1: Stay truthful in your endeavors. It is so easy for bias to enter. We forget this and after a year we are so far from the mark. Pursue what is right, hate what is evil Rom 12:9. As much as your mind / conscience convicts you. Judge yourself and try make amends 1 Cor 11:31.
Step 2: Consider Jesus. His teachings. They push a higher degree of love. Love your enemy. Pray for those who use and abuse you. Bless those who curse you. Turn the left cheek. Do we accept the teaching? Do we strive to be this good to others?
Step 3: Consider why Jesus died. Why rejecting Jesus is a sin. He was crucified by the Jews because He called Himself God John 5:18. He was never guilty of any evil. His death changed the world. As Napoleon quotes The Sacred Page: Napoleon's Proof for the Divinity of Jesus. Then from Jesus words John 14:6 'I am the truth and the way, nobody comes to the Father but through me'.
Step 4: Grasp the depth of intent needed to meet God. God lay His life down for us. It takes an equal commitment Matt 16:24. We may say that sounds ridiculous, but is any less expected when we get married? An absolutely sincere repentance Psalm 51:17. Or as in the young rich man's case Matt 19:16-22, to sell all we have.
Example on seeing the light:
Peter, the most faithful disciple. The only one to walk on water. Yet never convinced that Jesus was God until it was revealed to Him Matt 16:16-17.
Paul sums it up clearly in 1 Cor 12:3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
A true Christian is someone who has met with God. Been given a revelation from God. A measure of faith on par with faith in gravity.