Yes, for us in the 'older' generation -- The Emperors' OLD Clothes - were just fine. -- sometimes it takes a good 'shaking up' to help us appreciate what we Did have -- God's Word being honored in Society -- and Now we have a Good opportunity to Take a stand On God's Word -- but do 'we' really have the back-bone to Do that. Maybe that's coming on a bit strong -- backbone , yes, but the emotional energy To take the stand. The younger generation is Supposed to be doing that. It's been said that it takes but one generation for Biblical morality to crumble. We have seen T.V. shows change So Much in quality. I grew up with TV -- Good wholesome programs -- and little by little we get away From and become content with the changes in programming.
For a long time -- CSI was one of my favorite programs. I loved the teamwork and science of solving the crimes -- but it Is based on crimes -- and those can be found in Any kind of setting. And some of Those got into really questionable subject areas -- so I stopped watching it. It was taken off the programming and now that it's back On - somewhat - - they feature only the more gruesome, questionable situations. So -- I don't watch it anymore.
And some of the newer commercials -- one is incorporating two men being friendly for just a moment in time. But I automatically look the other way -- it's disgusting to see two men kissing. Instinctively we know it's "against" nature. But seeing a man and woman -- an arm around a shoulder, holding hands, a kiss -- is Natural. That is a God-given Natural thing. Society will never be able to change that.
In Bible study recently, we were talking about everyone having a conscience -- a person doesn't have to be a saved person to have one. And on the Other hand, there Do seem to be people who Don't have one. The criminally insane person. The socio-path. -- apparently no concept Of right/ wrong. They automatically Do evil. But there has been an up-roar about the groups that purposely destroy -- they Are human beings with a soul. Ya get them away From that destruct environment and they Can be reached with the Gospel. It Has happened, but you'll never hear about it on the News.
Should get back off my 'soap box'. Those of us in the 'older' generation need to know that we're Not alone. There Are things we Won't be accepting -- God's Word needs to be our standard.
For a long time -- CSI was one of my favorite programs. I loved the teamwork and science of solving the crimes -- but it Is based on crimes -- and those can be found in Any kind of setting. And some of Those got into really questionable subject areas -- so I stopped watching it. It was taken off the programming and now that it's back On - somewhat - - they feature only the more gruesome, questionable situations. So -- I don't watch it anymore.
And some of the newer commercials -- one is incorporating two men being friendly for just a moment in time. But I automatically look the other way -- it's disgusting to see two men kissing. Instinctively we know it's "against" nature. But seeing a man and woman -- an arm around a shoulder, holding hands, a kiss -- is Natural. That is a God-given Natural thing. Society will never be able to change that.
In Bible study recently, we were talking about everyone having a conscience -- a person doesn't have to be a saved person to have one. And on the Other hand, there Do seem to be people who Don't have one. The criminally insane person. The socio-path. -- apparently no concept Of right/ wrong. They automatically Do evil. But there has been an up-roar about the groups that purposely destroy -- they Are human beings with a soul. Ya get them away From that destruct environment and they Can be reached with the Gospel. It Has happened, but you'll never hear about it on the News.
Should get back off my 'soap box'. Those of us in the 'older' generation need to know that we're Not alone. There Are things we Won't be accepting -- God's Word needs to be our standard.