Greetings all,
do you mind if i put a little more into this subject?
A Brother i knew quite well, a man i had much love for, had a lot of tattoos. In fact, you could not see skin on a lot of his body.
After an atrocious start to life, deeply saddening and one i would wish on none, he ended up riding the vast land on his two wheeled machine, shotgun attached and knives on the ready. It was some years passing that he accepted Christ as His Saviour and from then he went on to be a chaplain for serious bikers with serious attitude.
In the time before coming to the knowledge of God, through Jesus Christ, he had many tattoos and they were not at all God glorifying, and this he later knew.
As a renewed man of faith in God, through Christ Jesus the Lord, he made the decision to have more tattoos. He did this to cover up and change the ugly and worldly, earlier ones into patterns that were 'harmless'. This is why so much of his skin became un-visable.
But i tell you, this man was a most beautiful man with a genuine heart for others. He also worked with young and offending lads as well as raising a beautiful family, but above all, he was always wanting to talk Jesus and include Jesus into every conversation, which was extremely pleasurable and refreshing, as many {and may i say here, so many, of whom do not have tatts and frowned on them and/or those who do}, so many can not keep interested in Jesus talk for more than a few minutes, especially if you broach a subject that they feel intimidated by.
So, in this case, we have the believing man getting tattoos, and lots of them.
The tragic thing about getting a tattoo is that while it may be something that we may later regret and did without truely seeking the Lord [as our Brother-Paul mentioned and others have commented on], it is something that we can not simply wash off and carry on as if it was never there.
This brings me to a point, if i may, that i would like to introduce to this discussion.
Next time you see someone with a tattoo, be it yourself or another, be reminded that like a tattoo, sin is sin that we can pretend is all gone in time, but to the Lord, it remains and all must make an account before the Lord one day, where we will find that the many sin, that we have simply forgotten, did in fact stain our robes.
There is only one way to being cleaned from this stain. His name is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, and through faith in Him.
Until a man confesses Christ, he remains tattooed with all his sin. When a man turns to the Lord and walks after Him, He discovers that like the morning mist that vanishes and like a cloud that drifts away never to ever be seen again, The LORD will blot out our iniquities and pardon all our transgression.
For those who have already come to the Fountain for Cleansing, remember, there does remain a time of reckoning and it is our responsibility to keep our robes clean. If you see a tattoo or even get talking about them, remember this, a man or woman who we see a tattoo on, we see with our eyes, but the Lord judges the hearts. We see a tattoo because it stays visible and remains for all to see, but are we so keenly aware that we too may have spiritual tattoos and do we ever carry on as if we are spotless while deeply knowing that we are not?
The Lord bless each and every one of you ....><>