LOL Bill you tend to exalt yourself above everyone else in a lot of your post brother, perhaps you dont realize it

when you say things like "I could tell you but you would not understand"
or things like "I am not allowed to tell you"
you are exalting yourself, I would lovingly suggest to you my freind when you have something to say say it, if your not allowed to say it dont bring it up what good is it?? dont try to come across as all knowing an understanding above everyone else, for there is only one name that must be exalted and that is the name of Chirst Jesus , Lord of Lords and King of Kings !!!
I will say you also come across as loving caring person who has Christ in him, this is the internet we must all have thick skin. Especially on a Christian forum wear there is more division and wolfs then most other forums in cyber space. you go to a hobby forum say for example pellet guns or mountain bikes, everyone gets along and treats each other nicely for the most part. you go to a so called "chirsitian" forum and people are at each others throats if you disagree with there thinking.
This is where you can see who has the fruit of the spirit in there heart, the more mature believers have to give leeway to less mature believers who like to bicker and argue and divide, then of course we have to deal with those that are out to just plain deceivers.........we all need to pray deeply for the gift of discernment when coming on a forum like this............bless you brother