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- Jun 10, 2015
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It took you long enough to come up with that non-answer to the challenge, as per your usual bloviation and pettifogging. You did not disappoint. "Vaccines" have not saved a single life, and you're unable to prove otherwise. End of story.Mine. But you know that your use of the word "document" is just piffle-fluff so you can discount anything said. I know your game, and it's sad that others cannot see you have no competence in science or engineering.
Another NothingBurger from Rhema.
That you would force a correlation shows your ignorance of the facts. Both are involved in the perp's frequency machinations - while you're off playing with welders.OMG - you don't even know the difference between fungi and bacterium?
Speaking of "uneducated idiots," this is for you:This is what you people do. Cut the context out and then make wild unsupported conclusions to upset the uneducated idiots.
There is no isolated sample of the so-called virus anywhere in the world.
Further to the "covid virus" hoax, FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever.
But wait! There's more of Rhema's buffoonery!
ROFL! This is how moronic you appear to us readers: You mucked up by trusting your software's "idiot page meter" (of course) at the top of your screen, rather than observing the actual page number of the document itself. The quote I referenced IS INDEED FOUND ON PAGE 40.I read page 40 of your link. It says nothing of the sort. The words "quantified virus isolates" are not present. You did this before, post the wrong page from your PDF link. It's actually page 41 (content posted below). Your work is sloppy as well as your conclusions. It speaks to a larger problem found in all your posts.
zeth4500, don't fall for that sucker bait. Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.The earliest manuscripts state the number is 616.
The Schumann frequency. It's a good thing; it's a God thing; it's what we're integrated with; it's what we were born into; it is fundamental to our survival. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectral peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. The problem is that the perp's have weaponized other, harmful freq's to cancel/distort/alter what God has already provided for us.What about the twice daily surge of electricity round Earth that keeps its inner water warm to create the dew that Adam knew? Is that dangerous?
15 years ago, and 9 million views later, here is Bill spouting his depop agenda.Rhema you should try to find the talk bill gates did on reducing CO2 where he shows his equation, thats probably the most glaring hint they have thrown out there
Meter - What make/model is your EMF meter?im trash with anything electronic, what setting do you put the meter on and whats good/bad reading?
we only have 4G in my town so for now were grand, and the amount of romanians in our town suggests that they wont be upgrading to 5G for a long time. naturally as im still just in a flat i cant disconnect from the whole work and buy food in grocery stores thing, having a house is a necessity
the plan is to have a house when it all falls apart, then who cares what loans you got going. oats seems a great thing to stock up on and 15kg can be had at just 5 euros, its not prime human food quality but im sure its contaminated not that much more than what they sell us in grocery stores, maybe its even more clean knowing what their holy book things of us
loans - Getting out of debt is paramount, as "debtor's prison" is a reality.
oats - Had a bowl this morning! Make sure it's organic.
Aunt's baby - She is more than merely "dazed" - it is criminal what parents have allowed their children to be assaulted (and programmed) with.interesting, im sure children will risk getting arrested if they dont do their tiktok homework soon, my aunts baby doesnt respond when her tablet is out, that little creature is maybe 2 years old and totally dazzled by her electronic device. and now theyre forcing small kids to use that stuff in schools, and it all seems so innocent to most people. since i became christian im utterly disgusted by so many things of society
Ezekiel 9:4
“Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”
one thing that hit me last night as i was going through revelations, about 666 - number of the beast, thats carbon. graphene is carbon and has a hexagonal shape.
benzyl groups are hexagonal. and benzyl chemicals are oftenly toxic to us- quite possibly the benzyl ring is demonic in itself. however im not sure what to use as disinfectant than benzoic acid, ive tried many things but barely anything worked
Schools - The contracts for telecom service to schools require the last step of the connection (from outside the wall and into the classroom) to be wireless. Just coincidence.
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