I didnt say it was located there. You assumed that. I simply said there is a lake of fire in every star. But.... you also cant prove that its definately not, you are just afraid that I am trying to deceive you, and so insinuate that I must be wrong. Its so sad sometimes to see christians assume the worst in others.
You know what's kind of sad -- is that you're taking this subject of Hell -- so flippantly. Like -- so what if a lot of people are ending up there.
Your flippant comments regarding hell are encouraging at least Me to consider that at least Some of your ideas Are wrong and to - in turn - assume that Maybe you don't believe that the lake of fire and brimstone is something to be taken seriously.
And 'this' Is a forum where we 'Talk Jesus'. Whatever that means to You. The death, burial and bodily resurrection OF Jesus Christ is what gives mankind the opportunity to stay Out Of hell / future lake of fire and brimstone.
Your two comments = each other. Obviously IF there Is a lake of fire in every star -- then it's Assumed that you believe that That is where THE Biblical lake of fire and brimstone IS located. ( possibly some Logical Fallicies somewhere in your comment)
Well - Are you trying to deceive 'me' or anyone else who is reading this topic of discussion?
I don't know that you Are a Christian -- I know that I am.
Getting back to the topic at hand. God's Word / Scripture / mentions the lake of fire and brimstone just once -- in the end of Revelation. After the White Throne judgement -- we read that satan (serpent, devil) will be caste into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet already are.
All that Scripture tells us about is Abraham's bosom and that 'hell' is still there -- as well as the non-believers from Old Testament times as well as now // The other side was Paradise -- where the born-again believers went Before Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead. Actually there Is the account of Lazarus and the rich man. Both of the men die and the rich man finds himself in 'hell' and is in torment -- asks for even a drop of water for his tongue to help ease his discomfort. And then is asking for someone / Anyone to please warn his other brothers who are still alive that hell is a very real place AFTER all. Nothing to laugh at or joke around about. He didn't want his other brothers to end up in the pain and agony that he is presently and will continue too experience.
Does that particular lake exist Now? Yet? We aren't told. We aren't even told where it is. Or will be located. But we Do know it will be real when people end up there. Some speculate that it will be in the center of the earth. And we Are told that this present earth will be destroyed by fire. The New Jerusalem will be brought down from heaven by God, Himself.
What we Do know is that God's presence will Not be there. God is light -- so without God there will be complete darkness. And That lake of fire and brimstone Won't Ever Go Out. People Won't die. Anyone who ends up there will be alive There Forever. Have you ever experienced Total darkness. Like 'can't see your hand in front of your face'?