So then, it's to be expected that born again Christians would not be as sinless as
God's one and only direct descendant.
Ah... a fellow-Christian who actually understands the Scripture!
Apostle Paul also stated that idea about the difference between us in the flesh vs. Christ in the flesh, regarding sin (Galatians 3:22).
And on that very note... I want to share this warning directly related to that:
One of the first temptations the devil did with Eve was contesting God's commandment by saying she would become her own 'god', knowing good vs evil by eating from the tree in the midst of the garden. That temptation is wrapped up in certain ways today by certain of men's organizations, especially the secret initiate fraternities.
Some false churches, what I call Beth-avens from the false prophets of Old Testament times, which means a 'house of vanity', subtly teach that the Christian can become their own 'Christ', that we can be like Jesus Christ, do what He did. They aren't just teaching the idea that we need to strive... to be perfect like Jesus, because that aspect is true, we are to 'strive'... to be perfect, even though we well know we all fall short of the glory of God, simply because we are not God, nor can we ever be sinless like Christ was in the flesh. But Lucifer thought he could be The GOD, and even replace GOD Himself when Lucifer first coveted God's Throne in the old world. Thus Lucifer as "that old serpent" was passing on that false idea of being your own God to Eve in God's Garden.
And Lucifer's idea of becoming your own God is still being passed on today among the secret societies of initiation. That doctrine began creeping into the early Church with the Christian Gnostics in the 2nd century A.D. Those Gnostic organizations are still alive and well to this day, some of them directly influencing some Church systems.
One of the ideas those secret initiate societies teach is that through spiritual exercises, and purification rituals, ceremonial rituals, and initiation into the 'mysteries', you can achieve "Cosmic Consciousness", or "Christ Consciousness".
Those 'mystery schools' treat that idea of "Christ Consciousness" to mean a Spirit state from God that everyone can directly experience through occult practice, initiation into the mysteries, eastern meditation, etc., in other words the occultist's version of The Holy Spirit. In eastern religions like Hinduism, they call it Kundalini spirit. So they actually believe the various spirit manifestations in eastern religions is the same spirit manifestations possible in all... religions, including Christianity.
More specifically, they believe Jesus was only a flesh human like us, and not God come in the flesh.
They believe His Power to work miracles on earth only began once The Holy Spirit descended upon Him when John baptized Him. So they treat The Holy Spirit as that "Christ Consciousness" and go further in saying anyone can attune to the "Christ Consciousness", and BECOME THEIR OWN CHRIST! These secret societies of initiation are so full of pompous falsehoods from the devil, that they have lost awareness of reality. Attach grand master titles and social standing in today's temples with that, and it takes those who are trapped in those secret societies even further away from Jesus Christ per The Word of God. And all the time they are lied to with saying that Jesus was a great prophet within their ancient order, further degrading Jesus Christ as not God come in the flesh, but no different than any of us.
This is why the Gnostics who held to this idea did not believe Lord Jesus really died on the cross, but that His disciples took Him down from the cross before He could die, and that He lived to old age, and married Mary Magdalen and they had children (the very idea from Gnosticism revealed in
The Da Vinci Code movie that Tom Hanks played in).
That kind of belief is straight from Lucifer himself, as that is the same old trick he played on Eve in God's Garden, saying she could become her own God, the very sin that caused Lucifer's original fall.
So be careful brethren. If you hear those kind of ideas of becoming your own Christ in the Church you are in, then run, get out of that Beth-aven (house of vanity).