Greetings brother,
Just stepping back to the title of this thread if I may.
If the church is “Raptured” in this generation, what are the people left still, in the “Institutionalized church”, called?
If the church is raptured, in this generation, this year, this week, this day, those who are left behind will not just include the 'institutionalised church' as we know it.
The church, the ekklesia, is the born again, born from above souls, no matter what colour, what country, what tongue, whether male or female, young or old, disabled or able bodied. These souls, from any denomination are saved, those who are lost, from what ever denomination are lost, left behind, they will come before the Great White Throne Judgement at the appropriate time and receive their due sentence, eternal damnation.
Now the church, it is not the building down the road, in the village, in the city, that is the lace of worship, called church by the RCC, they used the word kuriakon which is not in the Bible anywhere.
The only church, true church, is the ekklesia, the born again believers. If there are souls going to a place of worship, who are not born from above, they are lost souls, the devil is their father. So when we talk about the church in which Jesus is head, we are talking of the ekklesia, not a building, not a denomination. The Church, the ekklesia, is the body of Christ, the spiritual stones, together we are built up with brothers and sisters worldwide who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, repented of their sin and have been baptised in water and spirit.