The Scripture goes to no effort whatsoever to explain what we call the Trinity, it's just a reference word, nothing else.
That's because the mortal mind has no capacity to understand it. It's a different realm of understanding, and so are many other things found in Scripture.
I'm not in a full disagreement with you on this whole "not being able to understand God problem" -but with sufficient time with God, we should be able to understand it.
Personally i think the reason we can't understand this trinity stuff is because we, ourself, are not a trinity, as so many try to project onto themselves.
We are 2.. we have a flesh body that is subject to the elements, the diseases of the mind, etc.
and we have our spirit. that's it. together, they make up the mystical jewish concept of the soul.
Prior to being born again, your spirit has no power or authority to leave your body, to fight off the demons harassing it, putting thoughts into it. after Jesus.. you do, but its a long learning curve to do it. -my point is, non Christians absolutely do have experiences being ripped out of their physical body, and tormented by demons. when they are outside their body, they don't feel any different than they do in the body. nothing is missing. they still feel like a person. One such NDE testimony, was that they looked back on their body.. as just a bag of flesh filled with memories (and the way they spoke of it, it had no value to them.)
there is no third "person" in ourselves. (and if there is.. maybe you should kick it out)
now, compounding the difficulties of accepting this.. is all the jewish passages that talk about a person's heart and spirit and soul, in the bible.
I will attempt to shed some light on this:
all of those passages are talking about the different elements that make up a person. a person who is given to anger, in those days would be said to have been possessed or given to a spirit of anger. when Ezekiel and Jeremiah talk about "God putting a new spirit in a person, one who calls out abba father"
it does not mean God takes away some spiritual component of a person's spirit, destroys it.. and replaces it with a new one. it means God changes your mind/sprit to where you want to have a relationship with God.
What it means is God changes the person's heart.. mind.. whatever, cleans up their spiritual person, puts new garments on it (as described elsewhere) removes corruption.. and yes... you could say the person is made new and the old was thrown away. but it was the corruption that God did not create, that was removed. no part of the person was taken away, destroyed, and replaced with another.
The heart.. the emotional seat of a person.. we all know we have one. it gets hurt. God doesn't delete it and start over when you're born again. -you still get to process all the hurt, its just easier when you can look to Christ instead of your pain/fear.
Way i see it, all the heart mind soul spirit distinctions.. are somewhat useless. the words mean different things to different people.
Our neurological system in the body is made up of at least 4 different parts. a normal healthy person isn't even aware of this, because they are all in good communication with each other. What one person calls their heart, may be their second neurological mass which gives them gut feelings about people/situations, and processes long term emotional responses that affect your stress levels which influence your appetite. If a person can't eat for a week after hearing some very bad news.. their mind doesn't care! its their heart that is sick.. or is it really?
do you ever feel yourself starting to maybe get sick, so you take the day or year off to rest so you don't get sick? that's your immune system it's not your soul getting tired of life and it needs a break... but some will say things like this.
In my opinion the spirit of a person can handle anything and cannot be hurt spiritually except by other spirits. --but i'm not so sure.
I know that my spirit can recognise problems wrong with other people's spirits.. I don't understand yet how its possible (and its a supernatural knowledge), and when I do figure out what their problem is.. it is usually deep seated emotional wounds.
So in the case of my ex-gf from 2017, when she walked into the room before we first met, I heard her spirit cry out to me for help. -but i didn't know who it was that i heard, i assumed i had heard my other friend, and i thought to myself "not again he's going to get too drunk and cry about his dead mother" later as i got to know the woman, i recognized it was her voice i heard. -later on i found out my friends had been trying to get the two of us to meet, so she already had knowledge of who i am, but she did not know what i looked like. and from how the next 6 weeks went, she did have desire for me before we first met. so you could say her spirit recognized mine, and spoke to me.
recently i had a second confirmation of this kind of thing, and possibly a third.
but i have no evidence there is a third "person" inside of people.
there is only their spirit, which is ONE PERSON.. and the body, which can't do anything on its own apart from the spirit.
but the spirit can be apart from the body.. its just that we who are stuck in our body, cannot naturally perceive the spiritual realm around us.
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