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Hello @PloughBoy,In respond to:
"* It is possible to read, and not hear , and hear but not keep what is heard? Which reminds me of James 1:-"
[to read and not perceive [hear]........ yes.
"That is why for over, 44years now, I pray every time I pick my bible up to read or study it, That GOD will guide me, and show me, what he wants me to read, what he wants me to see, and write it on the tables of my heart, and stamp it on the memory banks of my mind, and bring it into my remembrance in time of need. and I keep moving. I don' t care if I pick my bible up 5 times a day, I pray that prayer. And I don't worry about it.
Since I been doing that since 1977, it is a way of life, habit, even when I do not realize it, it is like, putting on my shoes and going out the door.
"train up a child in a way he should go when he gets old he will not depart" I had to pray, I did not trust in man, nor the church, or pastors or biblical teachers, that does not mean I didn't love them, I love them and the church but I didn't trust them, and in my reading I found out, Jesus did not trust them too! For He knew what was in man."the pastors told me I have to trust in people, and a little of that seep in, and where I let in seep in, it like to destroyed ME, in the church and among my own country men too.
"But HE rescue me and HE taught me a Great Lesson, and his response was as clear as day: "THEY TOLD YOU LIES AND I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH", He Pick Me up and DUST me OFF" and Now GO!NINEVEH, here I come!
"turning not to the right or the left but staying on The path, The Path of "The A:MIGHTY GOD" and Not , My own understanding, or How I see it! I might express how I feel, but The PATH I am walking in it.
New International Version
"This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
"I got that flavor when I read the whole "NIV" 1984 every dot and iota in that version in 1986! and it still sticks today! "show me LORD, "The ANCIENT PATHS" and help me to walk in it, because I will go the other way! And move her, from my path! the kind I like! Because if, she cross my Path, I am going!I know me, so you keep me, because I cannot keep my self! this homeboy keeps it real! Know yourself! "A sinner saved my GRACE and Not of Ourselves it is a GIFT" from GOD"
"But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away [by] of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." [death of some kind]. But be sure of this it brings forth death! [we must stop thinking like a human being] "come out from among them" they affect our definitions of Our heavenly "TRUTH"."do not be a partaker of their sins" their thoughts are sin motivated. "SINNERS begets SINNERS" and what do sinners do they sin. It is natural and a way of life for them.
They have called me "Old School", in "Texas, Michigan, and across this nation"
I am in agreement with your post completely, you have fueled, what I have posted, for we all who are in "Christ", are one.
PS. you said:
*" When the events portrayed in this prophecy come to pass," and as you are saying as we go forth, this book will greatly sought out. and know telling, how much will be corrupted, or illegal, and band, or omitted, even now, so much has been band to even mention. [and it already strikes fear in people to even mention its contents even here in "America" too.
I do believe they are unfolding now, right before our eyes, But we must look at the world events not in the eyes or the lens of a "earthly creature" and not interpreted as earthly, but in the lenses of The new creature, that is Created in "Christ Jesus" and keep in mind we still see darkly. but Heavenly speaking and heavenly hearing.
What has fueled these last thoughts of mines is "the history" of The Reformation period" and other parts of the History of "Christianity" so much blood has been shed and so many violent deaths have christians had to endure, that the whole earth, is crying by the Saints blood that have been pour in it! And I do believe That BLOOD will Raise to The SURFACE, the day that GOD declared it to BE, as a "LIVING WITNESS" against all that have lived upon this planet called earth that have contributed to its destruction in this way too!
Many years ago now, so long that I can't remember when, I came out of the denomination I was attending. For the Lord was teaching me something, and I was beginning to SEE, and I knew that if I continued in that assembly, with the teaching I was receiving I would lose sight of what the Lord was trying to instill in me.
Like you, I did not love them less, but I wanted to go on to know Christ in all His fulness. I left, and have walked a lone path since, but the Lord has not left me without fellowship, for He has provided people of like mind, one at a time over the years: even bringing one person all the way from the united states who was a complete stranger to me, for me to meet briefly, with great joy, in the grounds of Brecon cathedral here in Wales: with whom I now communicate. It was a joy, and a blessing to us both, which astonished us, and caused great wonder and amazement at the lengths God will go to, to bring those who are in Christ, and of one mind, together, to encourage and strengthen, even over thousands of miles (she was from Arizona). She was truly flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, because we shared a union in Christ. That meeting lasted little over an hour, for she and her husband had to leave as they were on holiday, but it was a truly remarkable occasion. Praise God!
I wondered at the time, 'Why?' Why did God go to those lengths to strengthen us both, at that time, which was just before the pandemic, but subsequent events have shown me why that strengthening and encouragement was needed for both of us, and who knows what is still around the corner to be faced? Only God knows. May His Name be praised!!
In Christ Jesus
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