'And hath made us
kings and priests unto God and his Father;
to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.'
(Rev 1:6)
Hello there,
I do not think that this study is for me: for I foresee that I will be constantly sounding a discordant note. I believe that the book of Revelation was written for the Jew, and it's natural place comes at the end of the gospels. That is why I questioned you concerning Revelation 1:6.
I do not believe it was written for the Church which is the Body of Christ, which is the subject of the later epistles of Paul, (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon) .
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
I hear you, but if may say this, in Love for my sister in Christ the Anointed of GOD, Our Father, told us, through His Son, The Unveiling of the Christ. To at this Point, "READ" and let "GOD" do the Rest. I wish i could speak to you in The ghetto vernacular to get to the point and you would not miss the point. And one time I told you, for a moment STOP using the Word "Church" and use another word such as "Congregation" or ASSEMBLY" and it seems you were offended.

and those were The Very words Jesus spoke and He Never use The Word Church, which back then when He walked, The correct spelling was "circe", if they spoke in english. and in "Constantine" era, There were":Many" "Circes" you name it, they had it, The SUN GOD, the Moon GOD, The Wash God, a god for every day of the week and every god had a church, and so "CONSTANTINE" also set up a building a"CIRCE in Jesus name. And now the internet and mostly all information about this, has become so polluted now you can never in this era come to the knowledge of This truth, and every christian who has a computer, goes to the internet now thinking they have arrive to biblical truths and not knowing they have been, Punctuated polluted with half and partial truths. And the christian jumps off the Porch, and flap their wings, Buzzing around singing, I know , I know, i know, and I must fly unto all the corners of the world, singing I know I know, i know.
I know these words seems harsh, but it is true and spoken in the common vernacular.
Many of time, in pass years, i told GOD i refused to say anything to your children, They don't Listen, His response, "i know". Even my wife do not listen to me, His response, What make you think she is going to Listen to you, "She won't listen Too Me!

I brust out Laughing!!
And many times i have refused to speak out, I have refused to teach, i have refused to Preach, I have refuse to sing, i have refused to comment or instruct my brothers and sisters in Christ and have Curse GOD out!

I ain't going to do it! I ain't reading your Book no more, they ain't reading it, why should I read it!
I am telling you the Truth! Some how, before the Day is over, I have read about 5 books of the Bible, and Daylight is coming up from The Horizon. I could See, The SUN coming as it it was Rising creeping above the clouds. And it come to me, I been reading all night and forgot i said I was not going to read His word. Many of times it was like that. No matter what I told Him, i was not going to do. he didn't say anything, what i said i was not going to do, I would end up doing it and not knowing i was doing it.

"Finally years latter i got the message" and stop crying for him to take this burden off of me. What burden?
And He has not said a word. I have said, I ain't going to preach, But somehow, I end up on A "Podium' or somehow, ask to say something, and that FIRE start burning, I GOT To let it OUT! I WOULD WAKE UP, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, Preaching in my dreams so Powerful It would make me raise up straight in the Bed!~When I went to Some places, even Dinners, the Pastors, or Leaders would ask me to say something, And T!HAT FIRE START BURNING, and when I would get through even in My children Schools meetings! It be Jews, Greeks, Chinese, Japanese, Europeans, Russians, Blacks, whites, old , young, then the moderator, or the master of ceremonies would say, we can Home now! because, church is over and before The choir even sing or took a offering! "I had to be A "JEREMIAH" i be crying I ain't going!

My wife would say, if we go would you please don't say nothing.

why you always have to be the "Celebrity". I put on my dress clothes, and then i think, And I tell her, i think I will stay at home, because i don't think I can hold my peace. And she would go by herself. she would come back looking puzzle and say, people be saying were is your Husband, why do everybody fight for your attention! I don't care where we go, If that Fire start Burning! I don't care in a house of "Millionaires" CEO's dinners servicing "Escargot" and "Caviar" or a group of beggars, when that Fire stat burning. i GOT to get it out! And it gets Quiet! "somehow GOD makes room" My wife would say every room we go in, we must show ID, you just walk in and nobody say nothing to you, you do not have to show nothing!

The rich do not know how to take me! They be waiting, on their servants to bring them water, i get up and get my own. even go back into the kitchen. get my food. and smile.

Those rich folks be looking at me especially those wives with all of those diamonds on. they don't say nothing, even in their thoughts. But "who is this"! especially i am black. but polish, by GOD for the Occasion.
Just read and put it you and let GOD do the Rest.

A lot of christians always want to do things for GOD, they had me like that in the beginning in 1977, but something wrong, if felt like the church had put chains on me, I was a person that always felt kind of free, and then when The Holy Ghost came in me I felt more free, then that church start putting chains on me, all those Shackles on me. the freedom I had felt in Christ was slipping away. I kept reading my BOOK and My Eyes and vision became much clearer.
I shook those Shackles! telling me, if you leave from here, you will be leaving god, I told those Pastors when I leave here, I am Talking GOD WITH ME! Because, He Promise, that He Would never Leave me and I am a big enough of A Fool to believe Him! And I left! And they looked me up! I ain't giving you no more of my money, they got lawyers and female doctors husband and wife minister teams must give 20% of their income, and show the paycheck stubs or they cannot preach or sit in the church Pulpit! this stuff, practice was going around everywhere! It had become a "Plague"!
So my sisters, what Am I saying, just read, and stop trying to come to a understanding by your own means, and let GOD do the WORK.
And be careful of the ways of religious minded men and do not take up their practices. Neither Their ways. "GOD"S WORD will ACCOMPLISH where GOD SENDS it" {there is a lot of things done, behind religious, leadership doors]

All, not some, All. "The Vicar of Christ" small level, big level."Cardinals" pay to receive their office of Ministry. Read your Bible and let God do the Rest. He is able.
If i can remember a old story,
i think it went something like this: The servant: "lord" you said you would not give me more than i can bear, i cannot bear all of this", The lord said back: "I didn't tell you to carry all of that"
A lot of that stuff, we pick up, we pick up on our own"
Complete we need you. and need you to read and come back and "Fellowship with us". and even taking some of the mud in your life, and by making spittle, and then you rub it, into our eyes that we may see too.
" I am not ashamed of The Gospel According to Jesus, The Christ of The LIVING GOD"
is one of our mottos.