You need to show why you believe that 70th week was about Him being crucified in the middle of that last week when He made no announcement of a treaty with Israel in which halfway through it, His sacrifice ended the sacrifices and oblation to cease when the Jews were still continuing it after His crucifixion.
I understand your application now but the sacrifices did not cease nor the oblation after His crucifixion BUT when that son of perdition reveals himself halfway through that great tribulation, by stepping into the Holy of Holies in declaring himself to be God, then war will break out on the Jews for how and why the sacrifices in that third Temple will cease along with the oblation as they will be running for their lives. See?
At the end of the great tribulation, the world's armies will be marching against Jerusalem for why Jesus will come back as the King of kings, touching down on Mount of Olives for how that battle at Armeggedon comes about.
As it is, currently, the Jews found out that the third Temple can be built as some Christians believed as prophesied because the outer court belongs to the Gentiles ; hence the Dome of the Rock does not need to be removed. Archeological finds has confirmed this.
They have everything made for the inside of the Temple, they even have the red heifers for the sacrifices, and now are making the stones for the construction of the third Temple so when that command goes out that they can build that third Temple, it will happen quickly, but once that command is given is the beginning of the 7 year great tribulation as this peace treaty will come about in giving peace to Israel by allowing them to build that third Temple. This will happen after the rapture and after when a third of the earth gets burned up which is the western hemisphere for why USA is that fallen Babylon in Revelation 18:1-24. With USA out of the way, Israel will be tempted to use nukes on all her enemies and so the world will need to convince the Jews that they will have peace at last by allowing them to rebuild that Third Temple.
I see this by the grace of God and His help, and so He will have to do the same for you.