He was among the second group of captives taken to Babylon along with King Jehoiachin about 597 BC.
Ezekiel’s ministry began with condemnation and judgment of the nation Judah. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Ezekiel’s prophecies speak of hope for the future. Ezekiel wanted to help the people learn from their failures. He announced impending judgment upon the nations that surrounded Judah and reestablished hope for the restoration of Israel. His vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37) pictures new life being breathed into the nation. That prophecy will be ultimately fulfilled in the millennial reign of Christ on earth.
Ezekiel’s ministry began with condemnation and judgment of the nation Judah. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Ezekiel’s prophecies speak of hope for the future. Ezekiel wanted to help the people learn from their failures. He announced impending judgment upon the nations that surrounded Judah and reestablished hope for the restoration of Israel. His vision of the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37) pictures new life being breathed into the nation. That prophecy will be ultimately fulfilled in the millennial reign of Christ on earth.
- Yes, condemnation and judgment!
- Then hope for the future!
- But it is necessary to learn from our failures!
- Each one of us must do his part!
- If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
- They used to write differently!
- They used to speak differently!
- They used to think differently!
- They used to act differently!