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Looking for Job


- Well, he died, or rather, death began to act on him and he began to age!

- According to the Bible, he lived less than a thousand years!

- Moreover, he had to leave the Garden of Eden and start working with the sweat of his brow!

- Well, humans carry on the tradition!

- They spend their time destroying their environment and digging their own children's graves!

- In fact, he didn't want to lose his wife, he wanted to suffer the same fate as her!

- He preferred his wife to Yah.weh!

- He preferred his wife to his creator, the one who had given him everything!

- It's the same for us!

- We must choose whether we want to serve and follow Yah.weh or not!

- There are only two opposite paths!

- Yes, we have to follow a path, we can't stay still and do nothing!

- This is the message of the Bible!

- On the one hand, the path taken by the faithful servants of Yah.weh, on the other the path taken by the majority of humans!

- We must assume our choice and the consequences that go with it!

Yes, so what? What does it matter to you? Everyone has their own life! Finally an intelligent man!

- All wrong!

- If he had chosen Yah.weh, the world would not be in the current situation!

- By acting as he did, he sacrificed his children and his descendants!

- Moreover, most of his descendants have chosen and are choosing the same path!

- The path that leads to destruction!

- No interest!

- How unconscious!

- He is the opposite of Job!

- Job lights the path of those who want to serve Yah.weh!

- Adam shows the way to those who want to serve the devil!

The trap was well set

- Interesting, but was that really the case?

- Adam had received the ban directly from Yah.weh!

- Whereas for Eve, the ban had been transmitted to her by Adam!

-If the devil had tried to corrupt Adam directly, it would never have worked!

- So he went through the weak link!

- Eve let herself be seduced!

- The devil told her what she wanted to hear!

- We remember the choice of Lot's wife!

- She preferred to turn around and was transformed into a column of salt!

- But this was not the case for Lot or his daughters!

- It is always a personal choice, free will!

- Yah.weh lets us choose our side!

- But in the end, Adam blamed Eve when it was he who decided to follow her!

- Once again, he preferred to follow Eve instead of Yah.weh!

- He made a choice, he thought about himself and not about the consequences it would have for others!

- Quite human!

- Men don't care about the consequences their choices can have on others!

- This is why the earth is in the state it is!
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 13:

- He only wants to speak directly to God!

- Have we ever thought of speaking directly to Yah.weh!

- The Hebrews couldn’t do it!

- They asked Moses to do it for them!

- And they kept complaining against Yah.weh and moses!

- When we read and study and think regularly about the Bible, we speak to Yah.weh!

- Thus we use a canal of communication to Yah.weh!

- Because then we show our interest to Yah.weh!

- And Yah.weh can see it!

- If we don’t do it, we show no interest to Yah.weh and he can see it too!

- It is like opening a door to him!

- When we study about Yah.weh regularly, we keep this canal open!

- If not, nothing is left!

- Same with praying to him regularly meaning daily meaning any time for anything!

- It is another way to keep another canal open!

- When we speak to others about Yah.weh and the Bible, we keep open another canal!

- And the more canals we open, the more we want to open others!

- Like the universe and the brain, maintaining is not suffisant, it is essential to create new ways to develop our connections!
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 13:

- He wants to defend himself in front of God!

- To defend oneself in front of Yah.weh, we need to have a good reputation before Yah.weh!

- If we have no reputation at all, no way!

- It is necessary to work hard for such a reputation!

- By studying the Bible daily, by praying to Yah.weh daily, by speaking about Yah.weh and the Bible daily!

- If you look at the faithful servants of Yah.weh in the Bible, they will tell you the same!

- The three individuals have only empty words!

- If we want to speak to Yah.weh, we can’t have empty words, otherwise he won’t listen to us!

- Job is not afraid of speaking in front of God!

- Are we afraid of speaking in front of Yah.weh?

- Is it difficult for us to speak to Yah.weh?

- If it is the case, we are in trouble!

- We must work hard to be able to do it!

- Yah.weh is not a mere man, he is the creator of the universe!

- He is our creator!

- He is constantly in contact with Jesus and angels!
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 13:

- He can’t stay silent!

- Can you stay silent?

- The more we learn about Yah.weh, the more we should want to speak about him!

- That’s the basis for a faithful servant of Yah.weh!

- And not from time to time!

- All the time!

- He wants to complain to God!

- Do we want to complain to Yah.weh?

- Do we want to tell our deep feelings to Yah.weh?

- Do we really want to speak to Yah.weh?

- Do we enjoy speaking to Yah.weh?

- Is it similar to eating and drinking and breathing daily?
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 13:

- The three individuals do not behave correctly with him!

- And at the same time they don’t behave correctly with Yah.weh!

- Yah.weh says it himself!

- Job has nothing to hide from God!

- In fact, no one can hide anything from Yah.weh!

- Only from men!

- He needs to talk to God like eating or drinking or sleeping!

- It is a natural need!

- He is used to being completely connected to Yah.weh!

- Are we completely connected to Yah.weh?

- If we don’t feel it, we have a problem!
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 14:

- Job thinks God is judging him!

- Yah.weh acted with the Hebrews according to their deeds!

- According to the situation, he used to punish them on time, sometimes straight away, sometimes later!

- It has always been the same with mankind!

- He has given mankind a lot of time!

- But it won’t last forever!

- He decided to limit human life!

- He is asking God for a rest!

- When he dies he is powerless!

- He thinks that God will remember him!

- To be remembered, it is necessary to be faithful!

- To act faithfully!

- Otherwise, he won’t remember us!

- But for the moment he thinks God has condemned him!

- Job speaks frankly to God!

- Do we speak frankly to Yah.weh?

- He is not afraid of telling him what he thinks!

- Are we afraid of telling him what we think?

- What a relationship!

- What about us?
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 16:

- He calls them troublesome comforters!

- They bring problems!

- Something is wrong and unnatural on their part!

- If he were them, he would encourage them!

- Job is mentally and physically down but he still finds the energy to fight back!

- He thinks God has taken everything away from him!

- And his enemies are striking him!

- And he keeps talking about his pain and suffering!

- Thus he is left alone without any comfort!

- He is only waiting for death but till the last breath, he will fight and speak to God!

- He still thinks God will listen to him!

- In fact, it is his only hope he still has!

- Do we think Yah.weh listens to us?

- Do we act so Yah.weh listens to us?
Looking for Job

God and Job / Job and God

Job 17:

- He is broken!

- Have you ever been broken?

- Then you can understand his feelings!

- It is always easier to understand someone’s situation when we have personally lived it!

- Unfortunately many people know it better!

- The problem is that they haven’t known such a situation!

- You find such a situation with doctors and people working for human justice!

- In fact, it is everywhere!

- If you just learn it at school or university, it doesn’t work and it will never work!

- That’s why we are where we are!

- Everywhere we hear politicians who know better!

- the problem is they only know communication!

- But real people don’t need communication!

- They need to improve their personal situation!

- Today we only get fakes everywhere!

- We only get liars and lies!

- And people believe them because they want to believe it!

- But the situation will only be worse!

- We get what we deserve!

- And Yah.weh will wait till the last time befor acting against this society!

- There will probably always be people who will say everything is fine when everything is collapsing!

- Let’s think about Hitler in his bunker just at the end of World War 2!