Looking for Job
God and Job / Job and God
Job 17:
- He is waiting for death!
- Have you ever been waiting for death?
- If it is the case, you may understand Job’s situation!
- There is no more hope, nothing left!
- Now if you survive, is it possible to wait for death a second time?
- Or will you fight without any conditions?
- He only sees mockers!
- People spit at him!
- The three individuals are of no help to him!
- He just wants to put an end to his condition and die!
- He has enough!
- He doesn’t want anymore!
- It is really difficult for someone who is so close to God!
- And when you are so close to Yah.weh, does he give you the strength to fight without any conditions?
God and Job / Job and God
Job 17:
- He is waiting for death!
- Have you ever been waiting for death?
- If it is the case, you may understand Job’s situation!
- There is no more hope, nothing left!
- Now if you survive, is it possible to wait for death a second time?
- Or will you fight without any conditions?
- He only sees mockers!
- People spit at him!
- The three individuals are of no help to him!
- He just wants to put an end to his condition and die!
- He has enough!
- He doesn’t want anymore!
- It is really difficult for someone who is so close to God!
- And when you are so close to Yah.weh, does he give you the strength to fight without any conditions?