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Looking for Samuel

Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 14

Jonathan decides to go against a garrison of the Philistines without telling his father and he wins. And the Philistines are in great confusion and they fight against each other. And the Israelites who fled or went with the Philistines come back to Saul and they pursue the Philistines. And God saves the Israelites. But Saul had told the Israelites not to eat before the evening and having finished with the Philistines. But Jonathan doesn’t know so he eats honey and his face begins to shine and the people tell him. And Jonathan says it was a mistake from his father because the Israelites could have killed many more Philistines. But at the end the people are so hungry that they eat the cattle with the blood but it is forbidden by God. So Saul says to the Israelites to make sacrifices to be forgiven by God. And Saul wants to fight against the Philistines so the priest tells him to ask God but God doesn’t answer so Saul wants to know who has sinned. And Jonathan says that he ate a bit of honey. So Saul wants to kill him but the people oppose Saul because the victory is possible because of him. So the people rescue Jonathan and Saul stops pursuing the Philistines. Saul secures his kingship over Israel and fights all his enemies and he defeats all of them. There is fierce warfare with the Philistines all the days of Saul.

- We are told about a story of wars!

- Jonathan eats not knowing his father said the Israelites couldn’t do it till the evening!

- As a consequence of Saul’s sayings, the Israelites are starving and they eat the cattle with their blood which is a sin!

- Bad decisions lead to sins against Yah.weh!

- And sins accumulate to a great extent!

- When we look at today’s society, it is so far away from Yah.weh that it is nonsense!

- And the world is getting crazy!

- And the scientists are warning the political leaders!

- But political leaders are trying to survive now so they don’t care about what comes next!

- The problem is that everything accumulates and the pressure will become more and more unbearable!

- And history is a warning but they turned off the alarm a long time ago!

- Is our alarm off?

- Here we have two ways: Jonathan goes one way, Saul goes another one!

- Jonathan is successful, Saul will keep fighting the Philistines all his life and they will kill him and his sons!


- In Yah.weh’s next promised land, there will only be humility!

- There won’t be any room for human pride!

Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 15

Samuel tells Saul that God has sent him to anoint him as king over Israel. Saul will have to strike the Amalekites and destroy them (man, woman, child and infant and all the animals) with all that they have because they opposed Israel. So they killed all the Amalekites except king Agag and the best of the flock and all that is good. But they destroy everything which is worthless. Then God tells Samuel what Saul and the Israelites have done and Samuel is very upset and he keeps crying out to God all night long. When Samuel arrives, Saul tells him he has done everything according to God. So Samuel asks about the flock and Saul says that the people have spared the herd for sacrificing to God. And Samuel tells him to stop. Because he hasn’t done according to God’s word, obeying God is better than a sacrifice. As a consequence, God has rejected Saul and he will put somebody else as king over Israel. And Saul kills Agag. And Samuel leaves and will never see Saul again.

- All the time God says one thing to Israel and all the time Israel rebels!

- But they never understand!

- And he strikes again and again!

- And when they can’t stand it they call for God’s help again!

- And when things get better, they start to rebel against God!

- What about humanity?

- It is exactly the same story!

- They never understand!

- Till the end they will never understand!

- And when the end comes, it will be too late!

- They may cry, but it will be too late!

- Justice implies that everybody must pay for his actions!

- Why are human beings so stupid?

- Because they are too superficial?

- They think they are important!

- But they are good for nothing!

- That’s why the Bible tells about God and few faithful human beings!

- But being a human being is such a shame!

- Yah.weh’s word vs human tradition!

- Everything is written in the Bible!

- And they keep following human tradition as the Hebrews did!

- Really a joke!

- But there will be a time to cry!

- But it happened to the Hebrews!

- Ah no sorry, they are Yah.weh’s people!

- Yah.weh will strike them as he stroke the Hebrews!

Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 16

God sends Samuel to Jesse and he anoints one of his sons David the youngest one. And Saul asks for David because he plays the Harp well so Saul can find relief.

- Man only thinks superficially and according to appearances!

- Yah.weh knows the inside!

- That’s why he chooses David!

- But David will become king!

- And because of power he will do such bad actions!

- And the price will be high according to the gravity of his bad actions!

- And man never understands!

- And today we see the same story!

- How boring it is!

- Then we remember David or Saul!

- But we should remember Samuel!

- There is so much to learn about Samuel and his special relationship with Yah.weh!

- The one who really shines is Samuel not David or Saul!

- That’s the big problem with men!

- They can’t see the right light which leads to Yah.weh!

- They always take the wrong light!

- Or they are attracted by the wrong light!

- They prefer human corruption to Yah.weh’s word!

- They prefer pride to humility!

- So wrong!

- Then it must be very difficult to understand the Bible!

- It’s up to each one!

- If we really want , we can do it!

- But if we don’t do the job, the others won’t do it for us!

- They will lead you to the desert, not to the new promised land!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 17

- David follows Yah.weh and he is rewarded!

- He beats Goliath the giant!


- But it won’t last!

- He will keep following Yah.weh till he becomes king!

- Then with the time and because of power he will act stupidly!

- And he will pay for it the rest of his life!

- We must remember this example!

- Being faithful doesn’t mean we will keep being so!

- It is a warning!

- Being faithful requires strong efforts and humility to stay faithful!

- It is easy for man to forget and start behaving foolishly!

- One jewel, Samuel and stones, Saul, David!

- Yes, Samuel is the real jewel but not everybody can see his light!

- You need to see it with your mind!

- And it should keep growing and growing without limits!

- Then it becomes so big!

- But many don't see it!

- And it is the same with the whole Bible!

- Yes, humility is the key to Yah.weh and to the the Bible and to faithfulness to Yah.weh!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 18

- Saul keeps opposing Yah.weh and acting badly and trying to kill David!

- On the contrary, David keeps acting according to Yah.weh!

- And he is blessed by Yah.weh again and again!

- And it will be so till he becomes king!

- Then he will start to forget Yah.weh and try to follow his own desires!

- How easy it is for a man to change his attitude even if he knows it is stupid and it means getting into trouble!

- Of course, samuel was lucky because he was sent to Yah.weh’s house when he was a boy!

- Yes, he could speak directly to Yah.weh!

- Yes, he was taught by him every moment of his life!

- But he could see bad examples!

- Especially Eli’s sons who were priests!

- And he could also see that Eli, the High Priest didn’t do anything!

- But he kept faithful till his death!

- And he was jealous for Yah.weh when the Hebrews asked for a human king and rejected definitely Yah.weh!

- It is incredible to think that he didn’t eradicate them all at once!

- But Abraham was his friend and because of him he was patient and waited and waited!

- But finally the Hebrews were destroyed as a people!

- It was only a question of time!

- And mankind is following the same path!

- And Yah.weh is patient and gieves them the opportunity to repent!

- But many don’t care!

- They prefer pride instead of humility!

- Yah.weh will blow them away as a consequence!

- The earth doesn’t belong to us!

- We have no right for survival!

- We can only do our best to be accepted in the new promised land!

- Will we be accepted?

- It depends on us and about what we are ready to do!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 19

- So Saul is the king and he chooses to oppose Yah.weh!

- When he realizes that Yah.weh is with David he wants to kill him!

- What pride!

- And he thinks being the king will save him!

- So many kings did the same in the Bible and they had a bad end!

- But each time he escapes because Yah.weh is with him!

- Yah.weh is teaching David to become his faithful servant!

- And he will always remember him!

- But when he chooses pride and opposes Yah.weh, he will strike him according to his deeds!

- No way to escape!

- But when David becomes a king, he gets into trouble and sins against Yah.weh!

- He will get into trouble!

- Yah.weh will make him pay the price!

- In the Bible no king stays faithful till the end!

- Power corrupts people!

- When a man gets power, he wants more power and he starts to think he can do whatever he wants!

- But all the time, it is a personal choice!

- And when Jesus comes back to clean the earth, it will be the same!

- Why do we have such brains and can’t use them properly?

- Always pride instead of humility!

- It is tiring!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 20

- Jonathan knows that Yah.weh is with David!

- He knows that David will become king instead of him!

- But Jonathan is not jealous!

- Here we have an example of what real friendship is!

- But in this world real friendship is getting harder and harder to find!

- In fact, real anything is difficult to find!

- Because superficiality is corrupting everything!

- It is like a dangerous virus which spreads everywhere and there is no cure!

- A pandemic!

- Yes, humility vs pride!

- Once again we get the main key to Yah.weh and the new promised land!

- There is no other option!

- Why is it so difficult?

- Power!

- Man wants power and to be able to control others!

- It’s funny to think about the word minister!

- Being a minister of Yah.weh or ministering means serving the others!

- Jesus keeps showing us in the Gospels!

- So different with the usual meaning!

- In fact, completely different!

- Like humility vs pride!

- How do you want to understand the Bible if you don’t open your mind?
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 21

- God keeps teaching David as he keeps fleeing from Saul to survive!

- Adversity is the best teacher!

- Because you have no choice but to fight for survival!

- Then you get stronger or you die!

- The law of nature!

- When you don’t fight for survival, you don’t get stronger!

- We find so many examples which are similar!

- Yah.weh uses this model to train his faithful servants especially when they are going to be leaders among the Hebrews!

- Samuel is a good example because he was trained with Eli and his bad sons!

- But he always kept faithful!

- His sons didn’t receive such training!

- They didn’t keep faithful to Yah.weh!

- At the end we are the ones who choose to stay faithful or not!

- The future promised land will be available only for the faithful servants of Yah.weh!

- The others will be rejected as it has always been the same!
Looking for Samuel



- In fact, we are not told a lot about Samuel!

- We know about his youth!

- We know Yah.weh was always with him!

- We know he was a faithful servant of Yah.weh!

- We know he was jealous for Yah.weh against the Israelites!

- We know he was busy working for Yah.weh!

- And it is a protection!

- We know Samuel’s sons didn’t choose the same way!

- They were corrupted!

- We know the Israelites asked for a human king because of Samuel’s two sons’ corruption!

- Life is not always easy even for a faithful servant of Yah.weh!

- But at least he knows the way if he found the right one, he doesn’t have to look for it! (Paul was lucky to be put into the right track, he didn’t know he was wrong but his heart was sincere)

- Of course, in Yah.weh’s world, it will be possible to work with him to make things completely different!

- Something we can’t even imagine till we are there and till we work for it!

- But there will be nothing better than working for Yah.weh in his world!

- But for the moment we are living in a dying world which is dying because of men who are irresponsible!
Looking for Samuel

1 Samuel 22

- Saul has lost his mind!

- He kills 85 Yah.weh’s priests and their wives and infants!

- He thinks he can oppose Yah.weh without paying the consequences!

- He will die for that, he and all his sons!

- And the Israelites will keep doing the same paying a high price!

- And everything is written in the Bible!

- And people keep following human tradition instead of Yah.weh’s word!

- There are so many examples!

- Of course, the majority are bad examples!

- And all the time, Yah.weh keeps warning men!

- But when time has come for Yah.weh to strike them, there is no way to escape!

- And men keep doing it as if they didn’t understand!

- It is so ridiculous!

- It is pure nonsense!

- Or better said free will!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 23

- Saul keeps looking for David to kill him!

- But Yah.weh protects David and helps him to survive!

- Yah.weh blesses David in everything he does!

- David carefully listens to Yah.weh to know what he must do!

- In fact, David asks Yah.weh whatever he does!

- Thus, he acts exactly according to what he is told!

- So we can speak about two people, one David before he becomes king and another David after he becomes king!

- Again we can talk about free will!

- We always choose what we want to do!

- As a consequence, we are responsible!

- If we don’t do anything and let others act for us, we are also responsible!

- When we follow others, we are also responsible!

- It doesn’t matter what the group does!

- Today corruption is everywhere!

- If we let ourselves be corrupted, we are corrupted!

- The Hebrews were corrupted and so is mankind!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 24

- Once again God protects David!

- And Saul goes away!

- But he will try again to kill David!

- It is something stronger than him!

- Even if he knows it is against Yah.weh’s will!

- But he has the power!

- Thus he only understands power and violence!

- He kept away from Yah.weh and he did it voluntarily!

- The Hebrews did the same!

- So has mankind!

- It looks like madness!

- A collective suicide!

- Why so little with such brains!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 25

- Abigail is a good and intelligent woman!

- David listens to her and doesn’t kill her husband!

- Later when Yah.weh kills Nabal, David marries Abigail because he knows she is a good and intelligent woman!

- In fact, he takes care of her!

Some scholars estimate that David had as many as 18 wives and 10 concubines. Others believe that the number was much higher. David's first wife, Michal, was the daughter of King Saul. Their union was not without challenges, as Saul initially opposed their marriage.

Solomon had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.

- And they were among the best kings in Israel!

- Solomon followed his father’s example!

- He broke all records!

- Was his wisdom of any use?

- Apparently not at all, on the contrary!

- He prostituted himself with many gods, the gods of all his women!

- Once again we can observe human evolution!

- They call it progress!

- I say regression!

- I say total corruption!

- That’s where we are!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 26

- Once again Saul is told where David hides!

- So Saul goes with 3,000 men to look for David!

- At night, David comes to Saul’s camp with some men and they take Saul’s spear and water jug!

- then David tells Saul what has just happened and that he could have killed him!

- So each one goes his own way!

- There again we see the big difference with David before and after he becomes king of Israel!

- Before, he follows God straight away!

- After, he goes in the wrong direction!

- It is just incredible to think that David stays faithful to Yah.weh before he becomes king!

- Apparently before, he would not even think about it!

- then it was gradual!

- As nobody goes against you, you start to think that you can do whatever you want, good or bad!

- It’s up to you to decide!

- Same with corruption!

- The Hebrews were always corrupted!

- They always tried to copy the other nations!

- They didn't care about Yah.weh!

- Same with mankind!

- Same with man!

- When Jesus comes back, he will choose men regarding corruption!

- Everything is written in the Bible!

- Nobody will be able to say I didn’t know!

- Men were always told about corruption!

- It’s not because the majority is corrupted that it is an excuse!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 27

- David decides to leave the land of Israel and looks for protection among the Philistines!

- And Saul stops searching for him!

- At this time, David has only two wives, Jezreel and Abigail!

- He stays with the Philistines for a year and four months!

- And David would fight the Geshurtites, the girzites and the amalekites!

- He would kill men and women and keep the animals and clothing!

- Thus they couldn’t speak to the Philistines!

- So Achish the Philistine king thinks David will always be his servant!

- Thus David shows himself cunning!

- Well, he has no other way to escape Saul even if Yah.weh is with him!

- As usual, Yah.weh was with David because he was doing his part!

- If we don’t do our part, Yah.weh won’t be with us!

- And above all, we won’t get into the next promised land!

- It will only be for his people!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 28

- The Philistines are going to fight against Israel!

- Achish wants David to be his bodyguard!

- Samuel has died!

- Saul has removed the spirit mediums and the fortune-tellers from Israel!

- When he sees the Philistines, Saul is afraid!

- And Yah.weh never answers him!

- So he asks his servants to look for a spirit medium!

- So they tell him about a woman!

- Saul disguises himself and goes to see her at night with two of his men!

- But she tells him that she can’t do it as it is forbidden!

- But Saul tells her she won’t have any problems!

- He tells her to call Samuel’s spirit!

- Of course, it can’t be Samuel’s spirit!

- Because Samuel wouldn’t get into contact with Saul when he was alive!

- And Yah.weh wouldn’t answer Saul either!

- The woman understands that king Saul is in front of her!

- But Saul tells her not to be afraid!

- The spirit asks him why he inquires about him since Yah.weh has departed from him and has become his adversary!

- The spirit then tells him that he will lose the battle!

- And Saul and his sons will die!

- Corruption everywhere as usual!

- And men don’t want to understand!

- But faithfulness has nothing to do with corruption!

- there is no excuse and there will be no excuse!

- And David will become king over Israel!

- According to man’s standards, Yah.weh may take time to realize his decisions!

- But when the time has come, it happens!

- Thus time has come to put an end to Saul’s reign!

- Let’s David’s reign begin!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 29-30

- Because of the other Philistine Lords, Achish tells David to go back to his city and not to fight!

- When David goes back to Ziklag, the Amalekites have made a raid against the city and have burnt it and taken captive the women and all the inhabitants in it!

- And David’s men want to stone him because of their sons and daughters!

- Then David asks Yah.weh if he must chase after the Amalekites!

- And Yah.weh tells him to go after them!

- David fights against the Amalekites and recovers everything!

- And Yah.weh keeps blessing David who walks in Yah.weh’s path!

- We should always remember this sentence!

- It has something to do with faithfulness!

- When David became king, he stopped walking in Yah.weh’s path!

- What about us?

- David was not faithful!

- If we are faithful, we keep being faithful!

- If we are faithful, we can’t stop being faithful!
Looking for Samuel


1 Samuel 31- 2 Samuel 1

Israel loses and the philistines kill many Israelites. Saul dies and his three sons too. An Amalekite who was fighting with Saul tells David about Saul's death and his three sons’ death.

- End of Saul’s story, first human king over Israel!

- A bad one as Saul opposes Yah.weh and is rejected by him!

- Next comes David, the new king who follows Yah.weh but power will corrupt him!

- And he will be punished by Yah.weh!

- As usual the majority follows corruption!

- And faithfulness is for a minority!

- It has always been so and it will always be so at least till the end of the 1,000 years!

- Then there won’t be any more corruption!

- Men are told again and again!

- But they never listen!

- But they will be told till the end!

- Before Jesus cleans the earth!
Looking for Samuel



2 Samuel 2

- David was anointed king by Samuel according to Yah.weh’s will!

- He becomes king over Judah!

- But Abner, the chief of Saul’s army, makes Saul’s son king over Israel!

- He does so probably to stay chief of the army!

- He doesn’t care about Yah.weh’s will!

- But it won’t be a good choice because he will die!

- It is always dangerous to oppose Yah.weh!

- But it is a tradition in Israel!

- And among men!

- It rarely goes straight away but it is usually a way to test men so they can show their real nature!
Looking for Samuel


2 Samuel 3

- The story of Israel is complicated from the beginning!

- There always have been problems among Israel!

- And it will be so all the time!

- They will keep going that way!

- They will never listen to Yah.weh!

- They will go into exile!

- They will be slaves!

- Because of Solomon’s attitude, Yah.weh separated Israel and Judah!

- And both kept going in the wrong direction!

- And they did it with great pleasure!

- The result? They lost everything and finally Jerusalem was destroyed twice!

- We can look in any direction and it is always the same: it depends on individuals!

- There are faithful servants of Yah.weh !

- But they are always individuals!

- It is the same with mankind and it will always be so!