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Looking for Samuel

Looking for Samuel


2 Samuel 4

Jonathan has a son, Mephibosheth who is crippled. Ishbosheth is killed. And David kills the men who have just killed Ishbosheth.

- Things are not going better!

- On the contrary, we are told about murders!

- And it will be so during all the stories of the kings of Israel and Judah!

- It happened as God told them!

- Bad actions lead to bad actions!

- It is a magnet attracted by the negative pole!

- We also understand why David couldn’t build Yah.weh’s temple!

- He spent his life fighting and killing people!

- Definitely nothing interesting for the faithful servants of Yah.weh!

- Only positive actions of faithful servants of Yah.weh!

- We need to study these positive actions to find the way to Yah.weh!
Looking for Samuel


2 Samuel 5

- David is anointed king over Israel in Hebron by all the elders of Israel. He is 30 and he reigns for 40 years!

- He reigns for 7 years and 6 months in Hebron over Judah!

- He reigns for 33 years in Jerusalem over all Israel and Judah!

- He takes Jerusalem from the Jebusites!

- David takes more concubines and wives in Jerusalem after he comes from Hebron, and more sons and daughters were born to David!

- Then the Philistines come against him!

- Yah.weh tells him to go against them!

- And he beat them!

- Later they come again!

- And Yah.weh tells him to go around behind them!

- And he beat them again!

- Every time David follows Yah.we’s instructions to beat the philistines!

- And he beats them!

- But maybe you have seen a problem starting at his coming to Jerusalem!

- He gets many concubines and wives!

- And later he will get into trouble because of that among his own family!

- And not only that but Solomon will perpetuate the tradition to a far greater extent!

- As a result he will get away from Yah.weh because of all his foreign wives worshiping other gods!

- And the price will be excessively high!

- But Samuel had warned Israel!

- How true he was!

- When we think about today’s human kings elected or not, that’s the same never-ending story!

- What we can say about the Hebrews, we can say about mankind!

- And the situation is not better today!

- On the contrary!

- People usually think everything is better today!

- But in terms of Yah.weh’s criterias, it is worst!

- And it keeps getting worst and worst!

- And the best evidence is when we think about man’s ability to destroy mankind and everything on earth!

- And the rich get richer and the poor poorer!

- And man’s justice is a joke!

- And man is a mere joke!

- And man will never wake up!
- Kings of Israel and Judah

- What can we say?
- Faithfulness 0 - Corruption All kings!

- There is nothing to add!
1 Samuel 3:1

And the boy Samuel ministered to the LORD (Yah·weh) before Eli.

Now in those days the word of the LORD (Yah·weh) was rare

and visions were scarce.
1 Samuel 8:4

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah.


1 Samuel 8:5

“Look,” they said, “you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways.

Now appoint a king to judge us like all the other nations.”
1 Samuel 8:7

And the LORD (Yah.weh) said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you,

For it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king.


1 Samuel 8:8

They are doing to you just as they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until

this day, forsaking Me and serving other gods.
1 Samuel 8:18

When that day comes, you will beg for relief from the king you have chosen, but the LORD (Yah.weh) will not answer you on that day.”


1 Samuel 8:20

Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to judge us, to go out before us, and to fight our battles.”
- The nation of Israel!

- What can we say?
- Faithfulness 1 (Samuel) - Corruption All the nation of Israel!

- There is nothing to add!
Looking for Samuel


2 Samuel 6

David gathers 30,000 men to bring the Ark of the true God. It is placed on a wagon. Then it nearly falls so Uzzah grabs hold of it. Because Uzzah touches the Ark, God gets angry so he kills Uzzah. And David becomes angry and fearful at the same time. So David decides not to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. It stays in the house of Obed Edom the Gittite and God blesses him and all his house. So finally David decides to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. Michal Saul's daughter and David ‘s wife has an argument with David because he celebrated the coming of the Ark to Jerusalem. And he did it by dancing in front of everybody and Michal told him it was not correct for a king. And she kept barren all her life !

- There is often a great difference between God’s will and man’s will!

- And there are always consequences, often bad ones but men still don’t understand!

- Apparently that’s the same chorus centuries after centuries!

- And men still don’t understand!

- And they are surprised but if they knew just a bit more the Bible they shouldn’t be surprised!

- Unfortunately, the next surprise will be destructive!

- But a human being is supposed to evolve to become an adult!

- Apparently, it’s rarely the case because he keeps behaving like a baby who never understands!

- Sooner or later we must become adult and if we refuse we must assume the consequences!

- That’s life, nothing to be sad or happy about!

- We may decide to take the train or not!

- We should remember Uzzah: he died because he touched Yah.weh’s ark because he wanted to avoid the ark from falling!

- But it was forbidden!

- For men, it is usual to disrespect Yah.weh!

- Throughout human history, they have been doing it all the time!

- Even those who were supposed to respect him!

- They paid the price!

- They will keep paying the price till the end!

- But it will be nothing compared to what they will pay when Jesus comes back as a warrior and not as a baby!

- Apparently they like it!

- Well, this time the cup will be full!
Looking for Samuel

2 Samuel 7

- When David is settled in his own house and God has given peace to him, he says to Nathan the prophet that it is not proper for God not to have a temple. But God tells him that his son will build God’s temple. God blesses David and he will do the same with his son forever!

- But there are limits to God’s patience and David will go too far and his son Solomon will do worse by worshiping other gods because of his numerous wives and concubines.

- Warnings everywhere but men are deaf and superficial!

- And the Israelites lost their privileges!

- In fact, they never took advantage of them!

- Because they didn’t care about Yah.weh!

- And men keep following the same path!

- Good luck!

- Yes, it is incredible to think how men are deaf and superficial!

- First, they think about their own interests!

- Second, they think about their own interests!

- We can see it every day on our planet!

- But Yah.weh is fed up with men who can only destroy life on earth!

- They don’t respect Yah.weh’s creation!

- Yah.weh won’t respect them either!

- He will strike them as he has never done before!

- Then it will be possible to turn the earth into a paradise!