And where in The Word of Yahova is this gem of knowledge found?
Beloved Brother,
Thank you for your valuable question,
The quote from the bible that describe the journey that Jesus took me on in the shortest possible way is probably this one:
And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.
Because very much of that initial time of guidance of about 40 days that Jesus took me on was about cleaning, I will offer you a testimony below:
I am not sure I can do it justice without writing several pages, but I will try:
After the baptism Jesus gave me a new heart, it would feel disgust when encountering sin. It could be among my memories, sins that I committed, or that others committed towards me.
I had heard a pastor preaching about the new heart, and he had called it a miracle gift from God, and I knew he was telling the truth for some reason, (he did not mention disgust though). But disgust was what I felt more than anything with that new heart that God Gave me. And I welcomed it knowing it was a miracle gift. Sometimes I was so disgusted that I almost threw up.
But as soon as I had felt the sin how it hurt, and how it made me disgusted I would repent, and it would be gone, so I was liberated, I praised the Lord, and loved Him more.
I repented for many days, Jesus led me to become addicted to repentance in that way, because feeling that disgusted was not pleasant, so the repentance was a beautiful liberation, and blessing. And I learnt to understand that all sin was a dirty disgusting soup of filth, that I wanted nothing to do with that way. It did not matter if someone did something horrible to me, and I was justified in blaming them or not, it was still part of the disgusting soup of sin, and I was quick to repent from not forgiving them, so that the disgust could leave me with repentance.
Jesus also led me to use the miracle gift of tongues he had given me, to sing His praise, and to sing Fathers praise, and to pray in the language of angels, to let god have control over my tongue, to pray the way He wanted, in a way I did not even understand.
I sang in tongues, and spoke in tongues often for hours upon hours every day.
During about 40 days following the baptism, he also led me to clean my spirit using His name. As I was focusing in the spirit on the impure ones repeating His name, the would leave me in great numbers.
So Jesus was leading me towards repentance to the remission of sin:
and in His name repentance and forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.
And He showed me that I needed to repent both from dirt of the soul, and from dirt of my spirit, to approach Him who is Pure:
And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.
But in order to not make my testimony here too long I must shorten it, but you may ask me more questions later if you like, so I will quickly state some of the things you may ask about:
During the first weeks of cleaning I started to hear from Jesus, He started to speak to me.
I realized I needed help with repentance since there would be sins I had overlooked and/or forgotten, Jesus helped me in a miraculous way.
I became very ashamed about Jesus dying for my sins, so I asked Him to crucify me too, and He took me to the scream at the cross in the spirit, to teach me about what His sacrifice was and is about
Being a brother approaching purity Jesus led me to be attracted to the light of God within a sister,instead of to her flesh, turning a sin into a virtue
At the bottom of the pile of dirt in my spirit was the sin of Adam, it was like a birthplace for baby impure spirit. I asked Jesus for help to destroy it. Then it seemed He directed, or asked Father to send me the first lightning, and it destroyed the evil seed, the “serpents egg”.
After that I was welcomed the lost Son that returned, and was taken to the marriage feast of the King for His Son. After that I was allowed in the Kingdom of God.
I noticed that Jesus and our Father became very pleased with me as I testified about what they had done for me, and when I asked them about the bible and passed the knowledge on.
So they encouraged me to do the work of a Prophet, but never forced me to become one.
Jesus has since told me that with me come the summer for the figtree, that this is the time when His teachings, that are already in the bible will be explained. So that the wise will no longer skip very important and large parts of Jesus teachings.
Like the eye that can see the light of God, that God is Light, that God is Love, that the Kingdom is within, that the temple of God is the body, that there are seven spirits of God before the throne, that repentance to the remission of sin is needed to approach Him Who is pure, and more