Mary may be the mother of Jesus the man, but she is not the mother of God. Unless there is a miracle the bible does not speak of? That would be the son existing long long before the mother was born?
Very good point.
There is a very large misunderstanding of what Jesus was and who Jesus became. He is the PATTERN Son by which all other sons are to be made.
Firstly Jesus was a man. The intro in Matthew goes through the 42 generations of Jesus who is called Christ. Problem here is that Jesus is listed as
the 41st generation. He became Jesus the Christ when He was baptized in the Spirit at Jordan. He said a MAN must be born of water (human birth)
and the Spirit (HG) in order to see the kingdom of God. Jesus was a man and underwent both births. Acts 2:22 It was after His baptism that the heavens
were opened to Him. Matt 3:16 Just like any other man except He got the full measure of the Spirit.
After He was birthed in the Spirit He was then perfected by the things He suffered and became a life giving Spirit Himself by Gods design. 1 Co 15:45
Thus He is a God in the sense He is able to give life just as His Father but He could not do that prior to being perfected and glorified. John 5:26
We are to receive this same life from Him, full measure of the Spirit, also by Gods design, thus all things reconciled back to the Father through Christ.
Point is no woman can make a life giving Spirit, they can only produce the MAN. Kind after kind. So yes she is the mother of the man, but could never be
the maker of the Christ. Thus not the mother of a God. But the mother of a man who was made a God. The Beginning of the creation of God. Rev 3:14
Heb 1:8 Notice it is
God speaking to the Son calling Him God. 9-
Therefore GOD thy God hath
anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
Jesus is seen as a God simply because He can no longer die and has all power in heaven and earth, and is the key to your own life eternal by giving
the baptism in the spirit for/to you.
Like all things Satan the deception is very close to the reality but is still a lie. And obviously the lie continues to get bigger and bigger when we do not
seek out the actual Biblical truth.
It is harder to unlearn the lie. that most believe and are taught in the organized religion of Christianity today, than initially learn the truth from the HG.