Hi All,
My Space is one of a whole host of a social networking websites. It is a tool by which people can meet on-line. So this part of it seems innocent. Until you factor in all the risks that this might involve. However, it all requires a certain amount of discernment and wisdom to recognise the dangers. Which is where the problem is because it is quite easy to attract 'bad company' through these sites if you aren't careful.
On one of these sites my 13 year old daughter has been introduced to other kids who are older than she is and has found out that they are involved in law breaking activities. They related these things to her in an exiting manner. Fortunately, she felt that she could confide in us and we were able to offer her advice and guidence on the matter.
We monitor her computer fairly regularly to check her photo downloads are appropriate etc. also. We check what's going on from time to time etc... as one cannot be too careful. We are lucky my husband is a computer programmer and knows how to search her computer etc... and monitor what she is doing on-line if we are concerned but not all parents are able to do this.
Below are some social networking sites for parents to be aware of, how many members there are in each and who can join.
'43 -Things Tagging -627,000 -Open
Advogato - Free Software and Open Source developers -11,000 - Open
aSmallWorld - European jet set and social elite 150,000 - Invite-only
BlackPlanet.com - African-Americans - 16,000,000 - Open
Bebo Schools and colleges - 22,000,000 - Open
Blue Dot Link - sharing - 80,000 - Open
Blurty Blogs, - based on LiveJournal - 947,169 - Open
Bolt General - (music and video) - 4,000,000 - Open
CarDomain - Car enthusiasts - 1,600,000 Open
Care2 - Green living and activism - 6,900,000 - Open
Classmates.com - School, college, work and the military -40,000,000 - Open
Consumating - Consumeetings - 21,000 - Open
Cyworld Young South Koreans -15,000,000 - Open
Dandelife - Collective narratives or "shared biographies" unknown - Open
DeadJournal - "Dark" blogs, based on LiveJournal - 490,310 - By invite or payment (OpenID)
Dodgeball.com - Mobile location-based service unknown - Open
DontStayIn - Clubbing (primarily UK) 235,000+ - Open
Doostang - Careers - 53,000 - Invite-only
Ecademy - Business - 100,000 - Open
eSPIN - General 3,800,000 - Open
Facebook - College/High School students - 16,000,000 - Open
Facebox - European young adults (14-24) - 12,000,000 - Open
Faceparty - British teens and 20-somethings 5,900,000 - Open
Flirtomatic - Flirting/Dating 265,000 - Open to people 18 and older.
Flickr - Photo sharing - 4,000,000 - Open (Yahoo! login)
Fotki - Photo sharing - 1,000,000- Open
Friends Reunited - School, college, work, sport and streets - 12,000,000 - Open
Friendster - General - 29,100,000 -Open
Frühstückstreff - General - 10,100 - Open
Gaia - Online Anime and Games - 5,000,000 - Open
Gazzag - General Unknown - Open
GoPets - Virtual pets - 400,000 - Open
Graduates.com - School, college, and work - 650,000 - Open
GreatestJournal Blogs, - based on LiveJournal - 1,514,865 - Open
Grono.net - Poland - 830,000 - Invite-only
Hyves - General; focus on students and Dutch speakers - 2,311,790 - Open
imeem Instant messaging - Unknown - Open
IMVU - 3D chat software - 1,000,000 - Open
IRC-Galleria Finland - 400,000 - Open
iWiW - Hungary - 1,500,000 - Invite only
Joga Bonito Football (soccer) - Unknown - Open
Last.fm - Music - 15,000,000 Open
LinkedIn - Business - 8,500,000 - Open
LiveJournal - Blogging - 10,921,263 - Open (OpenID)
LunarStorm - Sweden - 1,200,000 - Open
MEETin - General - 67,000- Open
MiGente.com - Latinos - 3,600,000 - Open
Mixi Japan - 8,000,000 - Invite-only
MOG Music - Unknown - Open
Mugshot - Live social experiences around entertainment - Unknown - Open
Multiply - "Real world" relationships - 3,000,000 - Open
myGamma - Cell phones - 1,510,000 - Open
MySpace - General - 155,000,000 - Open
myYearbook - General 950,000 - Open
Nexopia - Canada 989,000 - Open
orkut - Owned by Google - 41,000,000 - Open (Google login)
Passado - General - 4,700,000 - Open
Phrasebase - Foreign Languages (education)- 100,000- Open
Piczo - Teenagers, Canadians, photo sharing 10,000,000 - Open
Playahead - Swedish teenagers 530,000 - Open
ProfileHeaven - British teens 100,000 - Open
RateItAll - Consumer ratings + social networking 900,000 - Open
Rediff Connexions - India - 1,400,000 - Open
Reunion.com - Locating friends and family 25,000,000 - Open
Ruckus - Music 400,000 - College students only
Ryze - Business 250,000 - Open
Sconex - American high schools 500,000 - Open
Studivz - University students, mostly in the German-speaking countries 1,000,000 - Open
Stumbleupon - Websurfing 1,200,000 - Open
TagWorld - General (tagging) 1,850,692 - Open
TakingITGlobal - Social action - 116,000 - Open
The Student Center - Teens and colleges - 800,000- Open
Threadless - Custom T-shirts - 364,474 - Open
Travellerspoint - Travel 82,000 -Open
Tribe - General - 602,876 - Open
Vampire Freaks - Gothic industrial culture - 766,000 - Open
VietSpace - Vietnamese 20,000 - Open
Vox Blogging - Unknown -Open
WAYN - Travel & Lifestyle 7,000,000 - Open to people 18 and older
WebBiographies - Genealogy & Biography Unknown - Open
Windows Live Spaces - Blogging (formerly MSN Spaces) 30,000,000 - Open (Windows Live ID)
Xanga Blogs - and "metro" areas 40,000,000 - Open
XING - Business - 1,000,000 - Open
Xuqa - Colleges - 1,000,000 - Open
Yahoo! 360° - Linked to Yahoo! IDs - 4,700,000 - Open to people 18 and older
(Yahoo! login)
Yelp United States - adults unknown - Open
Zaadz - Social consciousness - 36,467 Open'
(quote source Wikipedia)
God Bless