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No one goes to heavan or hell.

Jesus said to preach the gospel once and if they won't listen and accept the truth just shake theeir dust off and let the go to a fate worse than death.
It's Matthew 1o:14 though you'll never hear a preacher preach it.
But tell me: why do you think they all reject sound Bible teachings
Christians can shake the dust off of their feet and move. However, I don't see a need to belittle them. If they are wrong, they wrong, however, they are still brothers and sister in Christ.

Why do I think so many reject the teachings? I think it multi-faceted. For one thing many don't like to go against the grain. When you go against the grain you become a target. You'll be called a heretic among other things. I've been called all kinds of names. It doesn't bother me. I let it roll off me like water off a duck's back. Another reason is that I think that many let others learn for them. Some let the pastor study and then just accept what he says. I was guilty of this years ago. I think some can't bring themselves to believe that millions of people could all be wrong. I think many question their own ability to understand the text as a whole. There are probably other reasons, but I believe these are some of the more likely ones.
Is Paradise heaven?

In response to the Thief hanging on the cross, Jesus says to him today you'll be with me in Paradise?

Why wasn't the other thief invited to Paradise?
What did the thief ask Jesus? He asked to be remembered when Jesus came into His Kingdom. Thus, the logical conclusion is that Paradise is in the Kingdom. Paradise simply means a garden. In the Greek OT we find that God put Adam in the paradise of Eden.
So now you are calling the Bible a lie? Your hero Satan is delighted with you.
1 Peetr 3:19 He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit, 19in whom He also went and preached to the spirits in prison 20who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.

Like I say repeatedly - you are too immature to read and understand the written word.
But calling Peter a liar is another new low for you.

And you're calling me a troll is sheer stupidity as you are the troller.
And like I have said, you are taking scripture and twisting it to mean something else. Then you are changing your first premise because you have no clue what you are talking about...
You said;
This was your first premise:
However, I disagree with your premise, and I responded with:

Jesus did not pop inside the earth to tell Satan's Gang of fallen angels that he was immortal. They already knew he was immortal because death cannot hold down Jesus, who is sinless. He went to preach to those who were disobeyed during the days of Noah who ended up in prison because of their disobedience. The angels of the underworld had no power over him.

Sticks and stones, sister. You're only showing your ignorance and lack of debating skills.
Rxlx, You are at the very best an unstudied student of the scriptures although, I believe you have never once read the Bible through.