sade said:Heb 13:5: Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,”
So why will Jesus never desert you nor will ever forsake you according Hebrews 13:5? No reason? No! If you make sure that your character is free form the love of money, being content with what you have. Did I take anything out of context?
You're a little off on this point. Let me explain...
This verse is not saying that Jesus will never forsake you on the condition that your character not love money. It is saying Jesus will never forsake you therefore you have no need for the love of money. Money will fail you, Jesus will not. Place your love in him.
Also the love of money is just one sin, and that verse could be written over and over with any and all sins, but that would be one long chapter and verse.
Look, Jesus will never desert you nor forsake you period! He came and hung on the cross bleeding, battered, and torn not for the righteous, but for the sinner. Do you think he would be ridiculed, hated, spat apon, beaten, pierced, and killed to pay for your sins, only to turn around and forsake you because you have a love of money, or you didn't honor your mother and father? That goes against his very nature.
While I'm here...
Sade said:Have you ever thought about what would happen to you if you have never chosen to serve Jesus Christ? Thats right you would have been heading for "eternal" punishment. See what I am trying to say? The word "eternal" in eternal life is not describing your salvation, it is describing the gift of salvation. Please think about it. If you justify your belief by the word "eternal" meaning forever and ever, then you would have to believe that you will never go to heaven in the end, since you were first destained to "eternal" punishment. I hope I explained well enough.....and did'nt confuse anyone.
"Eternal life" is describing the effect of your salvation(the cause). Your "salvation" is the effect of your decision(the cause) to follow Jesus. I was not destined to "eternal" punishment as you claimed. I first had to make a decision(a cause) in order to get the results(the effect). If I chose to reject Jesus I still don't see the effect until the day of judgment. Same if I chose to eccept him.
You asked, "..ever thought about what would happen to you if you have never chosen to serve Jesus Christ?" Yes, I wouldn't be at Talk Jesus, and No, I wouldn't be serving my sentence to "eternal punishment" either. I'd prolly be looting somewhere near a natural disaster. I don't know. But the effect of my decision won't be felt until I am judged. This is where it gets good. God loves us so much that he gives us every oppertunity to turn from sin and accept Jesus. This is why you don't see people suddenly burst into flames if they reject Jesus, he will no doubt later in life offer them the chance to chose Christ again. He doesn't have to, but he loves us, and wants to be with us. He gives us more chances than we deserve.
God bless,
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