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What "world" are you talking about? Mother nature does not sin, mountains and seas do not sin, animals do not sin, they all function exactly as God designed. Only mankind sin, which is conceived in desire, and when it's fully grown, mortal life is over, according to James 1:15. That desire originated from nowhere else but Gen. 3:6 -
"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate."
And that sin did NOT disappear with Adam and Eve, because Romans 5:12 plainly states that sin spread to all mankind. That's not "a clean baby in a muddy pool", that's a seed planted in mud, you don't see it for a while until it sprouts, but it's there and growing.
I was not specifically referring to mother nature. The world in which we live is all around us. Hunting dogs eating prey would count as that for sure.
Adam and Eve became sinners when they sinned. They were not sinners before they sinned. Their sin is on them. I will not pay for Adam's sin when I stand before God. I will not pay for Eve's sin when I stand before God. If I was a third person in Eden and I did not eat the forbidden fruit, I would still be in Eden.
We are children of Adam and Eve and as such grow up with their guidance and leadership. This is the plan of God for all mankind. Their knowledge of sin affects me. I must grow up watching my mother listen to a snake. My father listen to my mother listening to a snake. I grow up in an environment of sin. A world of sin. It is not my sin. A child sins when they grow up and make a conscience decision to sin. Which all will do as merely an immoral thought is a sin Matt 5:28. Most scholars debate the age of accountability. I firmly stand by it being twenty. As God spared all Hebrews under twenty in the wilderness before they entered the promised land Num 32:11.
Adam, Eve and Satan introduced sin to the world in which we live. Media today is corrupt. Every adult has fallen into sin. Rom 5:12 states that. Read it properly Rom 5:12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Note how it says ''sin entered the world'' ''for everyone sinned''. A baby, most children and mentally handicapped are incapable of sin. If you disagree with that statement we need to have another thread opened discussing what exactly sin is.
The 'everyone' mentioned in many scriptures warrants a bible study on the word. When the world was destroyed at the time of Noah, 'everyone sinning' excluded babies and children. When Sodom was destroyed the less then ten righteous God advised Abraham of in Gen 18:20 excluded babies and children. Babies and children are never part of the 'everyone'. They are innocent bystanders like animals. We both agree on animals at least.
Sin has spread to all mankind, correct. I can watch an immoral video without having to produce it myself. Someone else made it. The rabbit trail of such leads all the way to Adam, Eve and the snake.