Hi brakelight! Thanks for the reply. I need to ask. How do you know that the Holy Spirit was frustrated in establishing truth?
Because so many of the truths that God revealed to the reformers are now as we speak being compromised. Methodists, Episcopalians (Anglicans for our English bros and sisters) Lutherans, Presbyterians, plus many independent denominations and churches are now entertaining the idea that the reformation was a big mistake and are returning to Rome...the blood of the reformers who all died in defence of truth is now being trampled underfoot as if the differences were but a semantic squabble between friends. That is why the Holy Spirit has been frustrated. Truth matters, and it is being eroded away everywhere we turn.
How do you know that America was God's idea and that his motive was to make a place where Christians could go and grow without impedance?
In short, prophecy. I suggest you read through the thread
http://www.talkjesus.com/evidence-bible-prophecy/38601-were-they-right.html ...I know it is a long read but I will shortly be explaining the remainder of Revelation 13 and included in that will be the answer to your question. To appreciate what I have yet to offer one needs to read what has gone before. There is a step by step process that I have endeavoured to follow to help readers appreciate and understand what God is revealing through His prophets.
Yes, America recognizes freedom of religion as a God-given right. God, however, doesn't recognize freedom of religion as a right though...he is narrow minded on that subject. His religion or the lake of fire....we get to choose. I and everyone else in the world have freedom of conscience as a God given right. We all have the right to die for what we believe in. With my understanding of the God of the bible, I do not have the right to fight to secure anothers right to worship some other God or God contrary to his wishes. This isn't to say that Christians should rise up and take control and somehow make this country bow to the knee of Jesus Christ by force. To the contrary Christians are supposed to seek to live peacefully within the country that they live in with the exception of reproving the darkness around them. If we are in fact not having fellowship with darkness but rather reproving it then we tend to have difficulty even in a 'free' country.
With this I must respectfully disagree. If God did not respect, even institute, our freedom to choose, our freedom of conscience, then love has no meaning. Love demands that it grant the object of that love to freely choose to respond in like, or not. It is not the freedom that is wrong, but the use we make of it.
You rightly state that Christians ought not use political power to legislate religious doctrine or promote by force any one religion above another...why would you propose that however it is ok for God to do so?
The Christian Kingdom is not of this age, if it were the Kings men would be called to fight, rule and reign. That time is coming but is not yet. This world and all of its ruling parties are of the devil. This includes each of the so called Christians who take office as President or the US Congress. Jesus could not get elected in Jerusalem and he won't get elected in the US either. But I say unto you, I would only wish to be ruled by Jesus himself (which I am) and have him writing the laws to be followed. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen until his return. Until then I will deal with whatever is provided as a government and continue to try an recruit as many into his army as possible because the final war is approaching. If you ask me whether I like living in a nation where I am not persecuted for my faith (by the government), I have to pause and say....my flesh does but my spirit cries out in pain because it understands why.
Yes, the same reason persecution ceased in the 4th century. True religion has been compromised and the spirit of Constantine is on the throne of the church.
What did God think of Israel when they allowed worship of foreign gods? What caused Israel to be taken into captivity? Were they not yet moving toward the idea of freedom of religion? Are we not told that these things were written for our learning? Is freedom really Gods choice for governing? Does he just want everyone to live freely? And everyone did what was right in his own eyes...a verse found in many places in the OT that pointed to the downfall of Israel. Why do we need government? Is it not because of those who have rejected Jesus as King? If everyone walked as he walked there would be no need for law or governing bodies. Most people have rejected God as their ruler and the bible as their law. I'd rather obey God than serve my own belly. I cannot protect another persons right to worship a false God or God falsely. It is sin. Those who continue in sin go to the lake of fire. I instead choose to reprove the works of darkness. Even if it costs me my freedom or my life. Fear him who can kill the soul.
May God bless you in all spiritual wisdom
Again, there was nothing wrong with the freedom Israel had, to choose or reject the ways of God. What was wrong was the use they made of that freedom, by choosing wrongly, and suffering the penalty.
God desires we love Him. Our love cannot be forced, we cannot be cajoled into loving God, nor can we be coerced. God desires our free choice to love and serve Him, and promises us His blessings if we so choose.
Love on any other terms is not love. We have a term for forced love, it is called rape.