Hi brother Oneiror! Gideon looked to make a fleece with God. ( judges 6:36-40) God honored his. In the new covenant matt 5:34-37 Make no oath or fleece. Now the question!! So what if an unbeliever does? or even a believer does? Since God is all knowing, and only God himself can ever know the heart of man( 1 samuel 16:7!),I sure will let him decide! The problem brother with doing this, is this. I knew a brother who made such a claim as you,and when he got the job, he was very thankful,but while taking the job after some time he forgot all about the fleece he made with God,and terrible things started to happen to him on the job site.He soon lost that job and blamed God! This person claimed to be a believer to!!! That person was me bro! Even though I was faithless in this area God is always faithful! ( 2 tim 2:13)
The reason I set up a fleece in the first place and looked to fool God was because of the money I could earn from that job,it had nothing to do with giving Glory to God or even showing him through me on the job. I told you earlier some things I had to learn the hard way!! LOL But since i sure do not know your heart nor know if you, unlike me would be willing to honor your fleece with God,I will let it remain from your own words.Here is what I learned from my mistake. making a fleece with God is going back to the old law of God. And here is the result of this, for the believer!!
As you claim you are not one, God's mercy and grace can work for all of course! (hebrews 6:4-6) Many mistake this scripture!! Those who believe is once saved always saved use this as well as those who do not believe in it.What this is really taking about though is those who are under the new covenant wanting to go back to the Old covenant! After being enlightened to all of Jesus works and all he did, and saying i like the old way better! If the old law was so great would God have made a new one build on better promises??( hebrews 8:6-13) So Oneiroer i am somewhat torn as what to say to you regarding this.
For the Old Covenant was made to show Israel they needed a savior,does God have any need after Jesus to show this to anyone again? I wanted him to,and suffered greatly because I wanted Jesus to shed his blood again just for me. oops.bad idea! But what to the non believer? Only Jesus in all his knowledge can know what is best for you.So I will sure not stand in the way at all with any words that could hurt you or cause you to stumble! I just wanted you to know something is all! Take this as with all words with a grain of salt and see if this does, or does not apply to you.
I had to go back to the very foundation of my faith after this!( eph 3:16-21) This is God's love that is being talked about here,not our love. verse 19 and to truly know God's love which does indeed surpass all knowledge we can ever have, we become filled up with his love,and look to only please God because he himself has loved us so very much! never for self again, always about others! Always about our Love for Jesus who gave his own life for us to set us, and make us, and keep us always free through HIM!! amen! For whom the Son has set free we are free indeed! ( john 8:36, gal 5:1) May this help you in your seeking bro.