Astral projection is a new age (as in not believing in Jesus or God, some some higher consciousness) word that means you are letting your spirit leave your body. There have been occasions in scripture where people were caught up in spirit to heaven (Like John, Daniel, Paul, and perhaps others), some call them simply visions and dont believe the spirit seperates from the body. Yet when the body dies, the spirit goes somewhere, and is at least seperated from the body for a time. I believe that its possible to indeed project our spirits outside our bodies in our dreams.... but.... it is very dangerous. When our spirits are in our bodies, the bodies are inhabited and are the temple of the Holy Spirit. When our spirits are gone, some believe we might lose our way and not find our way back to our bodies, and some also believe that our bodies are open to possession possibly when we vacate it spiritually. Not knowing and trusting the proper way it can be done, its best to leave it be I would think.