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Should Christians get the Covid Vaccine?

Having the Covid vaccine is .....

  • Absolutely essential

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • Playing Russian roulette - dangerous

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • Not my choice but I will because everyone else is

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something I'm not sure about

    Votes: 7 18.9%

  • Total voters
Yep. So we better be certain who we're giving our obeisance to! This is truly "No man can serve two masters" time!

They will make it very hard, economically, to refuse. Those who choose not to be injected will be excluded from the commercial marketplace, essentially prevented from participating in "normal" society at large. Are you prepared for that eventuality?
Biden alluded to a vaccine passport some months ago.

To his credit the Florida governor stated this would never apply in his state.

I haven't heard anything more about the proposed VP.

The scenario you refer to cannot legally apply due to the aforementioned Nuremberg Code.
We cannot be given such an ultimatum.

Retailers in my area no longer enforce the mask mandate. However, it isn't uncommon to see people still donning masks in public.

The strangest sight during the start of the plandemic and to today, are those who are alone in their car and masked.

Reminds me of the simple minded programming one state governor thought to appeal to when he suggested a mask mandate enforcement when in the privacy of ones own home.

Yeah, that had a snowballs chance of happening.:mask:: unamused:

One benefit behind this plandemic was the opportunity it afforded in our witnessing how many dictatorial minded elected officials, governor's, mayor's, there are.

All they needed was this little nudge and there they were!
We cannot be given such an ultimatum.
The push to marginalize from society those who refuse won't come in the form of an ultimatum. Rather, for you investors out there, Caesar will simply call-in his margins. Since those who are found in Caesar's world will be regulated by Caesar ("render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's"), we believers should not be partaking of Caesar's world. You have heard me preach about that several times in these threads. Now that reality is coming home to roost.

What are you doing in your community? What are you doing to help form community? When is the last time you rubbed shoulders with your unpleasant neighbor or brought some fresh buns to the new young couple recently moved in next door?

One benefit behind this plandemic was the opportunity it afforded in our witnessing how many dictatorial minded elected officials, governor's, mayor's, there are.
Wise words. This is our time. This is our time to be about the Father's business.
@BunnyOnion when you write "plandemic", it trivialises the grief of all those who have lost familiy and friends due to coronavirus.
@BunnyOnion when you write "plandemic", it trivialises the grief of all those who have lost familiy and friends due to coronavirus.
The sad thing is, you cant even be sure that they did die from coronavirus. Lies abound in the medical field about who died from what, and all because of money and fear mongering. Hospital/doctors get paid more than normal for pushing the coronavirus as cause of death, and treatment just prior to it.
The sad thing is, you cant even be sure that they did die from coronavirus. Lies abound in the medical field about who died from what, and all because of money and fear mongering. Hospital/doctors get paid more than normal for pushing the coronavirus as cause of death, and treatment just prior to it.
Exactly. We've been lied to from the beginning of this thing.

The numbered dead. The number of those who tested positive for Covid-19.

If this is not a matter of planning, multiple levels, multiple agendas for one outcome, global authoritarianism, why lie about any of it?

And when the fear is set, all those numbered dead, all those who suffer for testing positive, then bring forth the cure, the solution to take away the fear.

A vaccine! Take the shot. Be free again.

We're your government, you can trust we have your best interests at heart.
See? Here's your VP and his wife getting the shot.

Just don't notice your President and the FLOTUS did not.

@BunnyOnion when you write "plandemic", it trivialises the grief of all those who have lost familiy and friends due to coronavirus.
met a retired doctor in a small town just last week. initially he thought i didn't regard the vaccine and our conversation was a bit stiff but, anyhow, we talked a bit.
he has lost 3 relatives and 2 collogues this year due to the virus.
Exactly. We've been lied to from the beginning of this thing.
my guess is you don't know anyone who has died this past year of a virus. since you know, you can't test for them right? you really think that?

or worse, you may be one of those "Christians" who don't actually care if people die. since, we're all going to or something like that...
my mother is one of those people. she finally snapped out of it when her third son joined the usmc.. realizing.. what the hell is the point of having children if they are just going to go fight a war in another country.
met a retired doctor in a small town just last week. initially he thought i didn't regard the vaccine and our conversation was a bit stiff but, anyhow, we talked a bit.
he has lost 3 relatives and 2 collogues this year due to the virus.

my guess is you don't know anyone who has died this past year of a virus. since you know, you can't test for them right? you really think that?

or worse, you may be one of those "Christians" who don't actually care if people die. since, we're all going to or something like that...
my mother is one of those people. she finally snapped out of it when her third son joined the usmc.. realizing.. what the hell is the point of having children if they are just going to go fight a war in another country.
Your arrogance is astounding.

The nerve of cowards who presume to judge whom they despise as not being Christian, "as they are." Only cloaking the Satanic inspired judgement in sentences that don't make the charge outright for fear of the rules applying to them.
I made no judgments, only asked questions.

if you don't regard this corona virus as real? what about the other viruses?

ever had a relative get something they had to go to the hospital to get strong antibiotics for?
there are a few common ones that most people know of, mononucleosis comes to mind.

how about tetanus? did you get your booster shot every 10 years? or is that a hoax too?

my coworker's wife is from India, she has lost a number of people, some to the virus, others due to the hospitals clogged up with covid patients.
the situation really was as bad as the news reports.
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The sad thing is, you cant even be sure that they did die from coronavirus. Lies abound in the medical field about who died from what, and all because of money and fear mongering. Hospital/doctors get paid more than normal for pushing the coronavirus as cause of death, and treatment just prior to it.
No financial incentives like that here in the UK. 128,000 deaths. The doctors I know here are honest, selfless and exhausted.
No financial incentives like that here in the UK. 128,000 deaths. The doctors I know here are honest, selfless and exhausted.
My friend, are you saying you know all the doctors in the UK? If not, your answer is less than accurate...Your base is waaaay to small.
My friend, are you saying you know all the doctors in the UK? If not, your answer is less than accurate...Your base is waaaay to small.
Even a child would not read his comment to infer that his comment is saying he knows all the doctors in the UK.

" The doctors I know here are honest, selfless and exhausted. "

is plain English. "the doctors i know.."
Even a child would not read his comment to infer that his comment is saying he knows all the doctors in the UK.

" The doctors I know here are honest, selfless and exhausted. "

is plain English. "the doctors i know.."
His first statement There are NO financial incentives in the UK....based on his second sentence.
Two statements are separate.

Medics are paid a flat rate not on individual cases, so a the opportunity for a finanicial incentive for misreporting deaths does not exist.

I know a few doctors. They work in London's largest hospitals: Kings, st George's, Barts, St Thomas's. If there were corruption on the scale needed to fake a pandemic, they would certainly be aware of it.
No financial incentives like that here in the UK. 128,000 deaths. The doctors I know here are honest, selfless and exhausted.
Most doctors are too trusting to even realize whats going on. Doctors trust other people to deal with the financial, and focus on doctoring. Dont they hire office managers over there that do that sort of thing? Or do doctors still take payment in chickens, and work around the doctors house?
Most doctors are too trusting to even realize whats going on. Doctors trust other people to deal with the financial, and focus on doctoring. Dont they hire office managers over there that do that sort of thing? Or do doctors still take payment in chickens, and work around the doctors house?
Doctors have a pretty good idea of what's going on. They see it every day.
Doctors have a pretty good idea of what's going on. They see it every day.
I think you havent a clue. You just said that doctors are overworked and tired, now you think they have time to check up on all the financial stuff thats done within the offices with billing and such, that they have hired people to do for them.
I think you havent a clue. You just said that doctors are overworked and tired, now you think they have time to check up on all the financial stuff thats done within the offices with billing and such, that they have hired people to do for them.
You're not following the argument. I was responding to your claim in post 84 that doctors are incentivised to over report covid deaths.

There isn't a billing system for healthcare in the UK. The vast majority is centrally funded through taxation.