You do remember they could not keep the law of God, and that was revealed by GOD in The Old Testament “Grace and Mercy” was given there too.
And “Hebrews” testified it was only a “Schoolmaster” in order to see one’s corruption, without The Law there is no Offense.
Ok, then so there is no need to be Regenerated. And “Pelagius” is right in every aspect. Man’s Being, do not have to be change to walk in the ways of God. For we all know that people of This world do walk in Love. They Marry because they are in love. They love a good way of life. They love their neighbors, they love their jobs, they love their sons and daughters, Holosexual is fair as long as they show love for each other we are not under The Law, Sons can marry their mothers, Fathers can marry their daughters, brothers can marry their sisters, we are not under the Moral Law of GOD given at Sinai. No Law no offense.
Before the Moral Law given at Sinai all this was good and fair. Every nation did it. You can marry two sisters fair game no moral law, you only need to Exercise love.
Now I know we do Establish our own laws and cherry pick, That is why Abortions rights will come back with a vengeance. The Law of The Land will Prevail, since there is no Moral law of GOD, For many have said and the earth will prevail. The Moral Law of GOD given in The Old Testament has Been abolish? and The Law of The Land will succeed. This is happening now and The Law of GOD will Not Exists in the minds of Mankind, “The Mark of The Beast” The Anti- Christ will prevail. Not long, but it Will Reign on Earth, it is reigning know.
They will past a law that you can within your own Intermediate family right here in the USA. But many of you know that, because we do keep up with current events. And this been in the makings about 8-10 years. But you know this.
It will Rule. the Law of The Anti- Christ will rule, short Time, but it will.
I just hope I’m gone! If The Moral Law of GOD is not here,, I do not want to be here!
“and they vex That Righteous Lot”!
2 Peter 2:8 (ESV).
(For as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous SOUL
[not his mind HIS SOUL]
over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard);
Where There is No Law of GOD I do not want to be there!
No Law of GOD No Fear of GOD!
When there is no Fear of GOD, MAn will do anything, he will kill and his own mother with his bear hands.!
Ask Nero, he will tell you.
Mankind is a Kingdom of “Beasts” with Restraints on Him, since sin entered The World and Adam And Evil gave Birth to This “Beast” and GOD put Restraints on The Creature, that is why babies do not have Teeth when

they are Born!
When that child get Teeth, he is going to Bite! When he Clampdown
It is going to hurt!
Have any body been knock up beside the head with a glass bottle full of milk by a baby?