Admon Mikha'el
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- Dec 7, 2020
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LOL This discussion is so far off topic I don't even remember what it was about....So...God did set the Earth to go on a 24 hour day... If you disagree, take it up with Him...The entire planet was flooded even over the highest mountains so of course even the Earth we know today would be Waterworld and Kevin Costners boat would be cool....But...Does nobody realize that at Noah's time the Earth did not have all these continents? It was all one continent...It was not until after the flood that the continents came about...In the days of a man named that sets up a few ways the flood could have been done....@Waggles -- the world 'back then' was pretty small.
Were people in this country evil continually? Romans 3:23 -- For All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Do you believe the Tower of Babel existed? Happened.
So where Did our 24-hr day begin?
"All the world" means "all the world".
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.'
What does 'the world' consist of.
If Your world has more or less that 24-hrs. in it's day -- so be it.
I Do Not attack people -- I Do present Scripture and my 'opinion' is just as valid as yours or anyone elses.
Then when it comes to the people being evil continually....Which people? Who were they? There is just so much that Christians don't know, and refuse to know....