You never actually answered the prime question on this point which was. Yet if one were to die in the state they are in, those being “in grace” or “in sin” then wouldn’t you say their end is determined by scripture? I guess I should have said as stated “in” scripture?
Ok...sorry for not answering originally. I overlooked the question originally.
You're asking a question that touches on multi-century-old, if not multi millenium old theological debates. You know, the 5th point of Calvinism, etc: once saved / always saved? Can you lose your salvation? etc.
And to that end, I won't dare guess. If you're "in sin" on the day you die, but you've accepted Christ, where do you go? Ah...that's all above my pay grade.
But, if this helps: I do believe that Jesus Christ is the only gate by which one must enter in order to be saved. But even then, Matthew 7:21 adds a little ambiguity to even that: we don't simply get into Heaven by proclaiming the name of Jesus, right? You apparently have to do the will of the Father!
We all fall short. I do not dare even guess the eternal destiny of most human-beings. Again, that's far above my pay grade.
I wonder if you could answer a question if you don’t mind. Do you believe in a Christ consciousness that anyone can attain two way communications with God regardless of their belief system?
hmmm...I would like to answer your direct question with a direct answer, but "regardless of their belief system" leaves a lot of room, bro! I want to answer YES, but I'm not sure how widely you are wanting that phrase to be interpreted?
Yes, I believe God can be seen, and can speak to those around us, believers and non-believers alike. I also believe that anyone can talk to God (both believers and non-believers). If only believers could talk to God, then no one could ever be converted!! If God could only talk to believers, then no one would ever be able to have the chance of being drawn towards Him.
...but an ongoing, conversational, relational dialogue? This would generally be done by believers, in relational pursuit of their Maker.
Not sure if I've answered your question.
Still this one believer stepped forward, when no one else did. Therein lays the true relationship with Christ, which is to do what He said, not just take a walk in the park with Him.
That is awesome. Thanks for sharing that. I've had such folks in my life, from time to time, as well...and I have thanked God for them. I agree with you, this is demonstrative of a true relationship with Christ. They've been the hands and feet of Christ to me, over my years...
What revelation is it that you seek that He hasn’t already provided to us in scripture?
hmm...where are you wanting to go with this? Let's just say that between the scriptures and the Holy Spirit, we should have plenty...yet, we also need the input from others to help us see, hear, feel, believe...from time to time. As you eluded to, above.
So, we have it all...but we do not always see. We need others to help in this, God willing.
Thank-you my brother! For reminding me of my own testimony. It still boggles my mind that He choose me, an unworthy servant that I am!
You're welcome. Glad I could be of at least some help here!
I made a note on his comments, and figured someone who would be wishy washy on scripture and homosexuality, should be marked with “Handle with Care” warning label. You just happened to “crack the seal” that’s all.
I'm not sure what exact comment you read/heard Yancey say...but to chalk up the character of an individual based on a comment or two, I think, does a disservice to both you and the person in question.
I'm talking to myself as much as you or anyone else when I say this. I do this too. It's easy. It's human. It's easier to put folks into neat little boxes, and then choose to either ignore them, oppose them, or listen to them. Makes life work, you know?
But how much is missed / lost / skipped by this? what you will, but in Yancey's case, in my opinion, you're missing out on some very grand aspects of Christendom!
As far as being offensive to me, it should be offensive to anyone who believes in the inerrancy of scripture.
I believe the scriptures are inerrant also...but they are not static! The Word of God, and the Holy Spirit in our lives, are very dynamic, wouldn't you agree?
When he states “a few passages that give him pause”. Egad S.I.E., enough passages to leave no doubt whether you look in the OT or NT, that God’s view on this is pretty consistent,
This is but one problem I have with the Church: it has become a place where questions are not tolerated. Thoughts, challenged, personal hangups, or much that happens along the spiritual journey that we
all are on, are simply not wanted. They are either vetted out and kicked to the sidewalk, or rejected outright. Regarded as heretical, or too dangerous to leave unaddressed.
I didn't read the transcript on Yancey that you seem to be able to recite...but in the quote above, it seems to me that Yancey has some outstanding questions on a few passages.
Haven't we all?
Is it ok to have a few questions outstanding, of God, our Faith, Jesus Christ, scriptural interpretations, etc? I can't know exactly what Yancey may be questioning here, when he says this...but you seem to feel you do? aarrgghhh.... I wish I knew as much as you on things...
For someone who is a believer and trying to leave the homosexual/lesbian life style behind, it just makes it just that more difficult when you read a comment like Yancey made.
I can totally respect and understand your wish to stay as far away from any "tolerance" on the issue of homosexuality, if this is a lifestyle you have come out of. That makes complete sense. And, if it's true, that Yancey is "soft" on this issue...then I can see why you would want to stay away from him.
I'm personally not so sure that he's "soft" on the issue, in the way that you may see him as...but of course, I may be wrong on that.
My suggestion, and suggestion only, is pray and hold to what scripture tells you is true. All else is vanity. Eccl 12:7-14
Great suggestion, and thanks for it. Love Eccl too...
Close call! I was afraid you were going to ask me to read the book! Thanks for not suggesting it.
Now hold on there a minute of two Christ4Ever, you're not off the hook yet: I've got an even better recommendation for you bro!
Go out TODAY, and run -- don't walk -- and buy and read Yancey's
What's so Amazing About Grace.
Seriously. On this one, just lay down your Yancey hangups, and trust me on this one.
You can thank me later. And if you do happen to read it, I know you will.
My question would be is, why would I want to know about who shaped his faith when his faith in holding to the Word of God is so weak? Either I’ll learn that the 13 people mentioned either lead him the wrong way or he wasn’t listening and found what he wanted to find.
Ignoring your personal conclusion that Yancey's faith in God's Word is so weak (which I wholeheartedly will disagree with you on) --- why would someone want to know how Yancey's Faith was transformed by these 13 people?
Because it's his personal testimony, of how he could see God, find God, and strengthen his Faith in God....even in spite of the massive outright hypocrisy, abuse, pious self-righteousness, and personal degredation, that Yancey witnessed as a member of the Church(es) he grew up in, and the people that dressed the innards of those buildings.
And why would that speak to me? Because I can relate to that testimony can, apparently, other massive constituencies of human-beings around you and I this very day.
The Church actually has a terrible record of showing grace, offering love, and showing Christ, to the world. Of course, it also has a side to it that shows the handiwork of Christ extremely well.'s both.
But, many in the Church vehemently opposed or even hated the likes of Martin Luther King, or Ghandi. Most Christians think Ghandi went to hell...and again, while I can't know this...the life Ghandi lived (whether or not he went to heaven or hell) has the essence of Christ all over it!! This is not an acceptable thought in traditional church folklore!!
It took those
outside the Church to start the civil rights movement and free the slaves. But the Church authored the Inquisitions, the Crusades, and other various witch-hunts or heretic-torture methods, and numerous other holy wars.
Many people need to see the hand of God
outside the Church, because the Church may be the single reason they are repelled from God. For these people, Soul Survivor is a jewel of a book. Perhaps this is so far from your own story, that you can't begin to relate. That may be a blessing for you.
By the way if the box you say I’m in is created by God to His purpose then, I’m more than happy to be in it! Alleluia! Brother!
Perhaps. But you know, we're sanctified daily, along the way. We die to ourselves, daily. And why? It's because we've brought alot of our own handiwork into these "boxes", that are our own. So...your box, or mine? They're the same, really. Both have some of our own crud inside of them that need to be dealt with by Christ, God willing.
At times, I'm also relatively pleased with my box...and at other times, I'm disgusted by where I find myself. Thank God for both responses, and may He finish the good work in me that He started!
“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” Awesome! I wonder where MLK got that from? hummmm
uhh...the Church. Why do you act like he "ripped it off" from the Church? MLK was a pastor. That said, he was largely rejected if not despised by the Church at-large, especially those in the Baptist Churches, especially in the South.
Again, Yancey has much to say about this in the MLK chapter of Soul Survivor, if you want to get a better sense for Church history as it relates to the Civil Rights movement. And the Church should be embarrassed about this. MLK got this from the Bible, because he preached fromt he Bible. Not sure why you act surprised by this.
Thank-you and May I pray the same for you, if it is His will to be so. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask this. Amen, Amen, Amen!
Yes, you may, and thank you...
You're killin' me. Ah...ok...if I can: love you too!?!