The statement "Just because we as mortals can't explain how three persons can be one God doesn't mean that Modalism is the answer" reflects a commitment to interpreting Scripture faithfully and avoiding oversimplifications. In my understanding, God has revealed Himself as singular in essence yet manifesting in different modes or roles throughout history. While the concept of the Trinity—three distinct persons in one God—poses a challenge to human comprehension, Modalism, which suggests that God manifests sequentially as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, doesn't align with my interpretation of Scripture.
I affirm that Scripture portrays God interacting in various roles—Father in creation and redemption, Son in incarnation and sacrifice, Holy Spirit in empowerment and guidance—while maintaining His singular divine identity. This view allows for a nuanced understanding of God's dynamic engagement with humanity without compromising His unity. My belief emphasizes the biblical portrayal of God's oneness, His ability to manifest in diverse ways, and the importance of maintaining the biblical balance between His unity and the distinct roles He assumes for the fulfillment of His purposes.